
2014 Just Be

  • Posted by Jamie|
  • on January 6th, 2014|

It’s a New Year, new canvas to splash upon your creativity… So what inspirations, dreams and things will I create in the year ahead? My answer would usually be a page full of ideas, intentions and a description of how this feeling within may be expressed over this coming year, but this year I find there is nothing… Am I uninspired? Am I lost? Why can’t I write down all that which I desire and wish to create this year?

The answer that comes to me was quite simple but very moving. It picked me up and shook me for a while and then after that I could do nothing but be. That in itself was the answer… To Just Be.

Why so moving you ask? For me there had always been apart of me building my identity upon who I am. That is usually broken down by what I am doing ie career, lifestyle, relationships, etc. and within all that I would find comfort. I would find purpose to being in this world and playing my role. At the same time I was also trapped and controlled because I knew if I didn’t play this role then my life would start to crumble.

I know now my life is one of living from my heart, my soul. It’s just somewhat confronting for when I am pushed up against the mirror and I hear a voice say, “What meaning does anything you see upon this reflection have to do with your soul? The answer, nothing.”

Whether I have an amazing year ahead filled with all the most incredible desires, intentions and ideas you have ever heard, means nothing to who I truly am.

Win or lose, succeed or fail, it is all meaningless to my soul as it’s only my identity that places meaning on life itself. That search for what lay ahead, that part of me that fights on to be more and accomplish more will never arrive. Reason being is it’s all about the reflection in the mirror, which is the absolute illusion to who we think we are.

My truth, my soul expresses in the here and now, this very moment. It already is everything and doesn’t need to be more, accomplish more or find fulfillment. It is energy that’s moves through all things and me. To try and define how that would look or how that may unfold is somewhat a contradiction then to the truth. If I know that my journey is that of the soul then it is not something I as Jamie can design or predict. I can only know the truth and be open to how that is to be expressed through me. When it’s me trying to define or know what lays ahead I am only getting in my own way.

Is there fear in living this? When I forget who I truly am, yes. When I remember, when I am present there is none. Fear itself then becomes a choice. Trusting in the unknown is the journey till at some point I’m sure that trusting in the unknown is no longer about trust, but more just a knowing that within that space of limitless possibility I am free, that the space itself is who I am.

So this year, this day, this moment, I will just be. I will let go of knowing or designing what lays ahead and let what’s true move through the space that I am. I know I jumped off that cliff top but now it’s time to really come to know I’m not falling but flying by simply being here.


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