
I Am Love, So Where Is It?

  • Posted by Jamie|
  • on September 1st, 2014|

Love is always felt within because its who we are. When I feel love, it’s felt within my body, around my body, but only felt through me.

So why did I sometimes believe love is missing?

When I believe that love comes from outside, something external, then I become separate from it.

I believe I am and always have been love. A love which is limitless, one energy which has no beginning or ending. I believe that’s all there is: One energy.

We feel it, moment by moment. When we are present to it, it feels like home.

In those moments, I already feel complete and whole. Nothing is missing. Nothing needs to be fixed. I know this because I have felt it. I have chosen to live it. Living this way, I feel connected to my human ‘being-ness’ rather than thinking I am my human ‘doing’.

I am already free, joyful, and found. Can you remember these moments? Do you find stillness so you can experience this yourself?

When I stopped looking, stopped searching, stopped thinking I had to become wiser, become something more than that which I already am, my truth, the love I already am started to awaken itself through me.

This is why I remind my clients, “There is nothing wrong with you!”

Until I knew myself as love, I would lose myself in my identity. I would refer to the past, or future. I would find myself in time rather than being in the here and now.

I would believe I had things to heal, problems to fix, and a life that needed changing.

I still lose myself at times. I judge. I become attached. I experience need. But, not like I used to. Now I am freer in knowing myself. So, I don’t let my mind run away with these stories to fuel my identity. I rather observe it and remind myself of who I am. This piece below from a amazing and powerful woman I know really sums a part of the journey up…

You separated me from yourself and told me; to go, I love you, I won’t leave you alone, remember me, wait for me and I will come.

For years I suffered from the sorrow of being away from you and restlessly burned in the fire of your love, yet you didn’t come.

When everything except you burnt in the fire of your love and there was nothing left but you in my mind, you embraced me in your arms. It was a moment of joy, that no word is able to describe. I then, felt in knowing that you were with me the entire time through everyone and everything, despite all the different shapes, colours and names. – Lida Bargh (read more at her site here)

Love never was and nor will be limited. It’s always free and everlasting, whole and complete. That is who I am. That is who we all are.




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