
Looking For More Creativity, Look At Yourself

  • Posted by Jamie|
  • on June 26th, 2014|

Everything we could ever need or want is always and only found in this moment. But, how many of us are actually living in the moment?

I sometimes get asked questions about creativity and how to tap into it. The question itself is something that already addresses separation.

I believe that creativity is the expression of who we are. Therefore, we are never separated from it, or lack it.

The only reason this separation of creativity and self could occur is if we are living outside the moment. When we are, we find ourselves in thoughts of past or future. Those are places which only entertain our mind and support us in running off with the thinking related to our identity. The identity will take up space by placing attention on the outcome or result rather than letting the creative process unfold in the moment.

Creativity is so much more than any result or outcome. It is being able to tap into the formless part of who we are. Creativity is allowing ourselves to express, from nothingness, a place which we do not find through thought but rather experience in feeling.

I suppose this is one of the main reasons a lot of creative people, such as rock stars, actors, and artists, find themselves addicted to drugs. They enjoy the space they fall into when their mind switches off. This is the place from which they pull their creativity.

I’m not saying let’s all go out and get stoned to be more creative. Drugs are not something that will support you in the long term. They are not natural for the body.

The truth is: We seek drugs only because we want a shortcut to that creative space, rather than doing the work on ourselves and moving through our ego states of mind.

Our true creative essence is always there. It’s never missing. It resides in who we are.  We need only get ourselves out the way.

Here are some suggestions for expressing creativity:

Practice stillness: Whatever you find supportive that calms your mind and allows you to simply just be with what is. Do more of that.

Bring awareness to the Feeling: Creativity is a feeling being expressed, moment by moment. It’s not interested in the outcome or result. So feel what you would love to express.

Be You: Your creative expression is unique to you. Trust in yourself rather than looking for the how. Let the creative process unfold through you.

Let It Go: Know that,  once you have created something, it is no longer yours. The only thing we ever own is the experience. So, don’t be attached to what happens following your creative process.

Do it for the Love: Be creative because, in doing so, you feel love itself expressing feeling. In that moment, you truly know you are alive. We are simply here for the love of being alive. Forget all the other crap.


Take it easy. Don’t be so critical of yourself. Let the creativity flow. Life is love expressing itself. We are simply experiencing what is.

Interested in having a deeper connection with yourself in each moment? Lets have a chat about my mentoring services – SCHEDULE CHAT 


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