
The Truth Will Set You Free

  • Posted by Jamie|
  • on April 23rd, 2014|

Truth or Love? We have all heard this before; ‘The truth will set you free’, the only thing is, these days it seems that the idea of being loving is way more popular and we all seem to enjoy falling for it.

I know for myself that when I came along this path of following my truth, there was a point when I realized it was all about me. I believe that very realisation is what also scares people away from truth as sometimes the hardest thing to do is actually face ourselves.

For me though, I was at a point in my life that if I wasn’t able to live what felt true and be honest with myself, I was only cheating myself from truly living a free and present life. I would notice myself not being in my truth when I was being loving in order to be liked, or be seen as someone who was loving. All because I was scared of being rejected, judged or held accountable for my own self.

This would involve so much manipulation and strategy in my life that it would scare me to actually stop and realize who I was being. So instead, I would lose myself in what was next. I would entertain myself by making life bigger and better in order to not have to face myself. Eventually this got very tiring, and eventually I meet myself in a very dark and lonely place.

It was only in actually being honest with myself and truthful to who I was being, that I started to free myself from trying to be loving. I realized that instead of simply being me, I had built up all these concepts and ideas on how I should be living my life according to what was accepted as loving. The sad thing was, the whole time I wasn’t being accepting and loving of myself but rather wearing a mask or even many masks.

Living my truth is about being completely honest with myself. Its about letting what I feel is true for me in each and every moment, move through me and express into life. Not holding back because I may not be accepted or liked, not holding back in order to avoid being judged, rejected or in fear of losing something.

The beautiful thing was, when I started to realize I was free to be me and live my truth. I started to feel an overwhelming love like never before, and it had nothing to do with anything that was happening in my life. 

Many of us will take our lives into incredible directions not even realising we are doing it from a point of fear, but the lessons that come are always perfect if we chose to awaken and be conscious.

By being in my truth I was free to be me, and in that moment I realised who me truly was, love. 

Then it became a choice. I could either realise I have a choice in deepening my connection with who we truly was, which is love itself. Or I could pretend a little longer and carry on with the idea of what love is or how living a loving life should look. And if I didn’t chose, life would seem to through me around, it was like having to learn the hard way.

Just remember, its only the fear which seems to be appearing as real which stops us, and the only thing we have to truly fear is ourselves.


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