
Why, Why, Why!?

  • Posted by Jamie|
  • on August 21st, 2014|

Do you ever stop and ask yourself such a simple question: Why?

I ask myself, “Why?” actually every few months. I stop and take a moment to write my “Why?”

  • Why I am here?
  • Why do I feel to be who I am?

As my journey has progressed over the years, it’s been incredible to observe how my “Why?” has changed.

To be honest, a few years ago my “Why?” letters used to be full of some very materialistic things. There is nothing wrong with that! It’s just what was driving me and what those things meant to me.  My “Why?” was actually keeping me limited.

I would write about sharing a message and then having all these things. I wanted to share what I felt in my heart and then have a big house with a couple of cars, holidays places and loads of money. My “Why?” came with some pretty epic agendas.

The interesting thing that I observed was that, as I continued along my own path of following what my heart truly felt, things started to change. The things that were once important to me started to change. It wasn’t so much about the things anymore…

When I look at what I write in my “Why?” letters these days, I notice it’s all about a feeling: Expressing it, feeling it and living from it.

The things I once wanted, I noticed were actually things that would make me feel something. If I had a certain house, car, or amount of money in my bank account, I would feel safe, secure, abundant, or just more complete.

But the more I came to know myself as that feeling which moved through me, from my heart, from a space where I already felt complete, the more I didn’t need things in order to experience those feelings.

I was experiencing feeling whole and complete for no reason at all.

Taking these moments of feeling the completeness I already am and then living from that space, has been the most incredible journey.

It doesn’t mean I have gone without those things! I’ve just noticed I’ve been able to enjoy all things without it adding or taking away from who I am being. I don’t need something to give a reason to why I am.

That in itself has been what’s allowed me to be free in whatever I feel to do with my life. I know, through my experiences, that living the life you love has nothing to do with what you do or what you have. It has everything to do with who you are being.





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