
Are You Ready For The Truth?

  • Posted by Jamie|
  • on May 25th, 2012|

Who Am I Really?

I asked myself this question many times over for a long time and only now do I believe that I have started to not only know but experience who I really am. I’m not talking about the type of character, personality or identity of who I am but more the deeper essence of who I am. This answer may shock you as it did me but as I sat with it and came to peel away the layers of who I thought I was it has sunken to the deepest of truths I have ever come to know.

My truth and answer to this question was simply that ‘I am not this body’. Exploring this further I have come to know what I call my infinite self. Infinite because like the air that you and I breath which is essentially unseen energy but something felt, I have found to be who I am. These days its not so far fetched when someone tells you that you are actually not real. You are just energy that has taken form in a virtual reality we call life. Science has come to understand this and even pointed out that our bodies are made up of 99.9999* empty space.

The reason I have come to truly believe this is because if I am just energy then so is everything else in life so why would I place any power in anything outside of me. If  life itself was just an expression of energy through consciousness then why try to control it, rather show up and allow life to move through you by following that which you feel that you would love to do.  This belief is what started a process of reclaiming power in many stories that have played out in my life which I have been so sold into that they were real and had me coming from a space of need, lack and essentially fear. Its what kept me trapped in a prison of limited reality.

I now follow what i feel to be true for me and express that which moves through me. My life is about doing and being what I love, no more holding on or trying to control any circumstances or things. The more I have had the courage to follow this the more I have experienced what I call an effortless flow. A freedom like no other that has nothing to do with my circumstances. I believe I am only now really starting to awaken to experiencing heaven on earth which I believe is what we all came here to experience.

So throw away you thoughts and limiting beliefs and follow that which you feel to be true and moving through you, follow that voice that speaks from your heart and please ask that ego to step aside so you can really start to play in the ocean of endless possibilities. I’ll be there with you surfing the waves of true freedom


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