
How To Find The Ultimate Conscious Relationship

  • Posted by Jamie|
  • on January 22nd, 2020|

‘We are only ever meeting ourselves, so its best you truly get to know yourself.’

As much as the duality of reality appears and seems to be real, there is so much more to it. You know this because you feel it. When you stare into the eyes of a newborn baby or lay your eyes upon a morning’s sunrise. Something pulls you in, and its as if you can feel it all from a place deep within.

This is because love is not out there, it is not something separate to us. Truthfully nothing is. We are connected in and through everything we see and don’t see. 

Connected because we aren’t just a part of it all, all of what it is who we are. Truly, therefore, only ever having a relationship with ourselves. 

Please don’t take my word for it, take time to slow down and be somewhere. 

Whether that is in nature or merely a peaceful place at home. Just slow right down and notice what you feel when being present in that moment.

I’m sure once the thoughts subside, you start to feel at one with everything, it’s not you and your surroundings, you feel yourself within your surroundings.

This experience is known as oneness, a feeling of non duality. You are being and feeling true unconditional love.

Becoming more familiar with this space allows you to completely own how you feel about yourself. With this awareness you start to notice if there is anything emotional you may be feeling within.

What you begin to notice is that any pain or discomfort you feel is not because of others, but is actually your own. It’s only when you continue to blame someone else or your circumstances that your pain or discomfort will continue to show up in life.

Instead of feeling at One, that space of unconditional love, you feel separate through the judgments you’ve held onto.

So what does this mean for relationships?

Well, if you really open your mind and heart to this, it means absolute freedom. Now you have the choice. To either continue disowning what you feel by blaming or crediting your life’s story, or start to process and own your judgments that come with emotion and charge.

The result of this is like an emptying of your cup. Instead of walking around full of unexpressed emotion and charges, you begin to feel open again.

Now you can approach each moment with a blank canvas, an empty cup, so to fully experience it for what it is at this moment. Imagine showing up in a relationship like this.

No longer do you have to play games, hide or protect yourself. Instead, you are now entirely free to be yourself and trust the process.

As much as you are open to love in a relationship, you are also open to the possible heartbreak of it. Why? Because finally, you have yourself. Love is not dependent on someone or your life circumstances, its something you feel you already have and are.

Although how often have you ever stopped to consider your relationship with yourself? How often do you meet your reactions instead of disowning them?

It’s a rare thing to meet someone that has taken the time to deeply reflect and consider their relationship with self. It is those that have though that show you what’s possible. They represent the possibilities of what life can be like when knowing thy self.

Relationships don’t have to be a place of growth and work, but they will be when we don’t own our disowned parts.

This is when you’ll find your partner playing a role to ignite your own pain and discomfort. If there is a judgment from past experiences, instead of being open, you’ll show up half-hearted to protect the part of your heart you’ve closed of because of your own judgments. You’ll do everything to protect yourself from feeling that pain, even if it means sabotaging a relationship.

The strange thing is that usually, then the real pain you were trying to avoid reveals itself. Or you never find deep relationships. Instead, you attract the ones that come and go because you haven’t given yourself the time and space to go deep and open up.

If you do, I know for sure you’ll find that deep and profound relationship. One full of moving and rich connection. 

You’ll have this in your life because you have it within yourself. You are already having the ultimate conscious and loving relationship with yourself, already in love.


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