
Doing What We Say

  • Posted by Jamie|
  • on June 12th, 2014|

One of the questions I get asked all the time by people is: How do I live my truth?

Well, start by living what you truly feel to do and be now. That’s my usual response. Then comes this word… but. Everything after that word is like the bricks we use to build our own walls higher and higher.

Next time you notice yourself wanting to do something, instead of talking about it, try not talking about it until it’s done.

There are two main reasons why this little practice will change the way things unfold for you and place so much power back into who you are being:

No More Expectation Hangover

When we talk about things we say we will do, we place expectations upon ourselves.

Our mind is now more focused externally than being present with what is.  We look at what is to be done in our story and start going into the future of what is or isn’t possible according to what we know of ourselves. You only know yourself in this moment, what you are capable of and the new resources at your disposal in the next moment will be different.

This is what expectation is all about. It takes us right out of experiencing the moment rather than staying present to what we feel. Staying with what you feel and giving that space to unfold as it will is a lot more powerful because it’s not you getting in your own way.

Someone who is usually talking about what they will do is usually looking for support that they are on the right track or making the right decision, reason being is they most probably haven’t committed to themselves wholeheartedly yet. This leaves room for doubt and any other reason that little voice in your head can find for you not to move forward.

All Heart, All Possible

When we stay with what we feel without looking for reassurance, we stay connected to our hearts. We stand strong in what we feel and give ourselves the space and grace of however the coming steps will fall in front of us. Once we leave this way of being, we are then more focused on the outcome and result of what it is we say we are going to do.

We are then in our head, and rather than looking at what you can give, it has become about what you can get.

When something comes to us to do, something that expresses from a place of love and true inspiration, it comes from where all is possible. Say yes to that feeling and do whatever it is you feel to do in that moment, for no one else, but yourself.


If you say you are going to do something, do it. You’re only disadvantaging yourself each time you don’t follow through with it.

That little voice in your head will doubt you next time you go to do something. Worse yet, you will believe all the limitations of why you couldn’t do what it is you said you would do. This is a quick way of giving away your own power.

If you are someone that really struggles with self doubt, confidence or simply knowing what it is that is true for you. I have something that will support you in dropping all that very quickly and realising your truth.

If you are ready, click below on the Reclaiming Power link and enjoy one of the most powerful months of your life.

Reclaiming Power Module

If you would like support but not ready to commit to the above module, lets connect and I’ll give you another step that will support you in the here and now.

But as I said, only if you are really ready to move through this, if so lets do it now! Click here to schedule a free chat with me.



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