
I’m Alive, But Am I Really Living?

  • Posted by Jamie|
  • on June 17th, 2014|

In this moment, you are alive. You are breathing and reading these words before you. Just as I am writing these words, I, too, am alive. I feel present and free in who I am being right now.

To me, this is being alive: Feeling what I feel, and letting it express through me. In this moment, I felt to write. What comes next after this moment? I do not know.

Hang on a second! I’m not saying I just float around like a butterfly every day, Well, not exactly. I do have things I’m aware of that will be done today. But, most of all, I have space, space for more of living like this, in the moment.

For me, life used to be very different. I didn’t have space. I was so busy doing all the things I needed to do. I needed to do them because I didn’t know who I was. Therefore, I was controlled by my external environment.

My mind had placed power in all these places which seem to control me. The freedom of just doing what I felt was some very crazy and out-there idea. It sounded very illogical and woo woo.

So, it came to me as a quite a shock to find myself, along my journey, actually being more comfortable in doing nothing.

Yep! I said it, and I just laughed to myself as I wrote those words. I do nothing!

However, in doing nothing, I feel more alive than I ever have in my whole life.

Why? Because I’m free from needing to do something. I am free to be in what feels like a space of nothingness. And, the more time I come to find myself in this space, the more I know, with absolute certainty, that I am everything I could ever want or need.

It’s a funny paradox. I once strived to fill my life with everything. Then, I realized living was about letting everything go. In letting go of everything, I have come to experience everything.

It’s a different experience. It is a needless experience. It is feeling alive for no reason at all. Who would have thought?

Sometimes, I slip and fall back asleep. But, more often than not, I’m truly alive these days.

These are a few of truths I have come to realize. They may support you in knowing whether you have been asleep like I once was:

– TAKING – Rather than living for this moment and enjoying my life for what is. I was always focused on what I needed to get. I was always looking ahead for what money I had coming in or what I could take from my relationships so I felt safe and secure.

– HAPPINESS – I didn’t realize it, but happiness was all about things in my external being in alignment so I could then be happy. If my partner was happy, then I was happy. If work was going well, I felt happy. If I was being liked and well received by my peers, I was happy. If my life looked a certain way, then I was happy. I think you get the drift… Happiness was no longer an unconditional feeling. It was very conditional.

– THINKING – When I actually stopped and slowed down, I noticed the intensity of the noise I had been living with in my mind. My thinking was always super active. My ego was having a ball! I thought I knew everything. I was convinced that I had life figured out. So, I felt safe and secure. Thinking was actually getting in the way of real life. But, I thought it was correct. In it, I felt this sense of safety. If it was challenged or I dared to follow something I felt which challenged my own self, I couldn’t do it. I was scared to let go of what I knew. I was  suffocating myself.

– RELIEF – I noticed that, when something happened in my life, I would feel relief. It happened when things went according to how I thought they should go. When they did, it was like I could breathe again. This had me ask the question: What was I trying to control? If I was hanging onto something in between those feelings of relief, what was it and why? One thing that was very consistent with this experience was finances. I was trying to control money. Therefore, it was totally controlling me. Hence, I felt relief when money flowed. I had given it a lot of power.

– FREEDOM – These days, I feel free. Not because of the choices I was once making to become free, but because I know I am already free. I brought awareness to the choices I thought I had to make in order to achieve freedom. I started to let go and to find freedom within. I knew that, if freedom kept being about the choices I had to make, then I would never truly be free.

– FEAR – The big one. I was so scared. Scared to stop and just be. I would make myself so distracted with work, my social life, food, and relationships. I did this just so I didn’t have to face myself. I was the avoidance king of my own kingdom. As they say: everything you are seeking for is on the other side of fear. So, I started to be with the experiences I was trying to avoid. Soon, I started enjoying my kingdom rather than trying to control it out of fear.

Does your life resonate with any of these examples? If so, decide today that there is work to do so you don’t have to continue to give your life away for another moment.

I don’t believe we came here to make a living. We are already alive. We came here to live a life of love, freely!

If you would like some support along your journey, or to simply start moving through the fear, I would love to connect with you and share what supported me to truly start living. Schedule a free chat with me here.


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One Response to “I’m Alive, But Am I Really Living?”

  1. That was me too! I realised in order find out who I really was…I had to let go of so much. Thanks 🙂

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