
Limit Breaker: James Lonergan

  • Posted by Jamie|
  • on May 23rd, 2014|

Gents, get ready to meet a fellow man that is a true example of living from the heart. And ladies, no need to watch farmer wants a wife, if you’re looking for the ideal man as James is the first of some incredible guys that I will be featuring in this series. Lots of thanks though to this beautiful man, James has been the perfect man to start this of with.

When I read over what James sent back for this interview I was really moved. James is raw, honest and wholehearted in all that he does and is. Having the right attitude and mindset to who is being when faced with challenges and using them as an opportunity to discover himself at a deeper level, James shares some really profound insights.


About James

James Lonergan The Happy Healthy Entrepreneuris the founder of Ground Organics, a company on a mission to spread the message of health and happiness throughout the world. Founding the original Ground Organics cafe Sep2012 in Buderim, on the Sunshine Coast when he was only 21, he has since expanded the company into the booming cold pressed juice industry and has launched the juice cleanse delivery online store gocleanse.com.au with huge success.

Over the last 6 months he has moved the restaurant to a bigger and better space right on the front of Mooloolaba Beach and has begun manufacturing his own brand of organic body care products which sell nationally through gobodycare.com.au. Apart from the Ground Organics Initiative, James is on a personal mission to inspire other entrepreneurs to make real positive change in the world by expanding their view of what profit really means. His personal website jameslonergan.com.au will be a platform where he can share his message with the world, and will be launching 30th of May!

What does limitless living mean for you?

Limitless living for me means living truly by your own treasure map. We get bombarded all the time from society, our parents, our friends, our industries, with advice “THIS way is the way to freedom”. Every single one of us has a unique path towards our own individual freedom, and NO ONE knows that path as well as we do. Of course we all get confused, we get upset, beaten down, abused, and SMASHED by life’s curve balls, but deep within our innermost core there is always a knowing where to go, what to do, how to be.

Limitless living for me means to live by our own intuition, that feeling inside that we can’t put words to that tells us to do some of the craziest things like “let go!” or “do it!” even when you are petrified. Change your perspective on what society calls barriers, and see them as obstacles.. You don’t have resources? Everyone can be resourceful! You don’t have confidence? Everyone can have courage! You are full of fear? You can do it anyway!

Forget the opinions of others, and advice from superiors, these may help you be comfortable, but when has comfort ever provided fulfillment! Its the conundrum of modern society, we are more comfortable than ever before, BUT we are more depressed, unwell, diseased, sad, broken, lost and disconnected then ever before in history. We need to start living truly to ourselves, only this will provide true freedom and fulfillment in every moment. They say the joy is in the journey, but only if you are choosing the direction!

What has been your biggest challenge in life where you were faced with limitation in some way? What supported you to move through it?

My biggest challenge in life I am still going through currently actually. My ex-fiancé (Wow its weird even saying it!) and business partner, we separated at this beginning of this year, and with it has come HUGE overwhelming discomfort. During our separation we managed to incur some SERIOUS financial losses, which we weren’t at all prepared for. To pull our business out of this hole, is going to be the most exciting challenge! Limited by funds, having lost a partner in crime (emotional and business support), and experiencing the grief that goes with any end to relationship is the most amazing lesson, and I am actually so grateful for everything that has happened.

I am so damn blessed to be supported by some amazing people in my life. Knowing that your friends care about you is just the most special thing. Being able to express your deepest feelings and connect with others is so healing.

I might add, meditation is the most powerful thing I have found to support me on my journey through the inevitable challenges of life. Rumi said that “we were given two wings to fly, joy and sorrow” and knowing that we can remain calm and aware during the whole spectrum of rich human emotion allows us to experience them fully and learn the lessons they are here to teach us.

How often do you follow your intuition/gut feel in life? Why?

ALL THE TIME! My favorite example of this is that since I finished school (end of 2008), I have attempted 11 (ELEVEN!) degrees in the space of only 3 and a half years. I was very gifted with academic talent, so I thought chemical engineering, psychology, accounting, actuarial studies, technology innovation, sustainable energy, business, mathematics, science, aviation, nutritional medicine would have been for me. Time after time, I went there, learnt very quickly that it wasn’t for me, dropped it, moved on with more passion and inspiration than ever before. If ONCE I chose to not do this, I would not be here doing what I am doing, living the life of my dreams. I spend every day following my gut and although it makes my life fairly turbulent and tumultuous at times, it is so damn fulfilling. I create my own day, decide how I want to contribute to the world, do it with people I love, FOR people I love. I could never stop following my gut, it just brings me way too much joy, and now I can be an example for others to live their truth also.

So what is it that you absolutely love to do in life? Can you describe how you feel and the space you’re in when you are doing it?

Such a good question! I LOVE taking my greatest strengths and putting them to the highest purpose, service to others. For me, inspiring others FUELS me. Innovation, Expansion, Evolution. These are themes that I live for every day and are involved in everything I do. In terms of the nitty gritty things that I do, they stop mattering. As long as we are free to be, and do, what is true for us, then we find every task a meditation towards even more creative expression of the self. Whether I am designing, creating, typing, writing, delegating, making coffee, washing dishes, organising, inspiring, motivating, coaching, I LOVE IT ALL because I have found freedom. As long as I know I am serving people and not their egos, then I find joy in everything I do.

What does living from your heart mean to you and do you find it easy to express how you feel?

Alright this is an even better question! As a boy, like the huge majority of men in the world, I was told to not have needs, not to cry, not to feel and certainly never to express them if we did have them. I have been lucky that my life has taken me through some beautifully heart opening adventures. Separating with who I thought was my life partner was one of the most enriching experiences of my life. I knew that I needed to express my anguish, and what I found in the process was that even when I was the most filled with sorrow, crying out from such a vulnerable place, I found peace there. What I was so scared of connecting to my entire life, became the most rich journey of my life. Since then I have learnt to live from my heart, connect to my needs (everybody has them) and find expression for my feeling. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND reading this book “Nonviolent Communication” by Marshall Rosenberg. It has revolutionized the way I express my feelings, and allowed me access to a richness of emotional experience, which I never knew existed.

So lets say in this moment you are totally limitless, free and happy. What would you love to do next?

Go for a coffee enema. 🙂 In fact I just might do that!!

But really.. I love what I do, including this with you. Thank you, for including me in your segment, and thank you for being an example of living your truth. Can’t wait to connect with you again.

Follow James journey here;

Website: www.jameslonergan.com.au & www.groundorganics.com

Facebook: facebook.com/groundorganics & facebook.com/thhentrepreneur

Instagram: @james_lonergan & @groundorganics

I’m sure you enjoyed reading this interview as much as I did, I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback below on what James has shared and his approach to Limitless Living.

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10 Responses to “Limit Breaker: James Lonergan”

  1. Angie Solis says:

    What a lovely, bright innovator! And how adorbs is that photo of him? Thanks for this. 🙂

  2. Wow! So inspiring James. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  3. Caroline O Keeffe says:

    Such a refreshing and honest interview. Thank you .

  4. Very inspiring and I love the raw emotion expressed. I'm going to go buy the book "Nonviolent Communication" by Marshall Rosenberg as soon as I get off work. Thank you!

  5. Good move, anything that James has found supportive is going to be of benefit as he just oozes goodness!

  6. My pleasure, very inspiring man

  7. Thanks Caroline, I wanted this interview series to be simple, raw and honest. Can't wait to share some of the other amazing people I have coming up with you

  8. Thanks Kasey, keep an eye on this inspiring man!

  9. Trudy Johnson says:

    I find it sad that James hasn't made any effort to acknowledge the amount of input his ex-fiance Monique had in the business. As co-founder, she was at least half of the reason for it's original success. From what I have heard, she was quietly removed from the business (asked to leave) shortly after the relationship ended and no attempt was made to publicly recognise her departure. It think the term "limitbreaker" probably has a few negative connotations that more people should know about.

  10. Caroline O Keeffe says:

    I look forward:) I am really enjoying reading your blog posts and trvelling through your web page, it has a wonderful feel good factor, an uplifting tonic for the mind, body and soul. Thank you for sharing your voice and expressing it so freely and in such a way that it resonates with people. Nice to be part of the circle of light:)

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