
Living On Love

  • Posted by Jamie|
  • on September 14th, 2014|

I don’t know why, but for so long I sought love. Are you seeking love? Are you looking for it in the next relationship, career, or personal achievement?

I sometimes thought that I had found it. I would feel love for something in my life—especially in a relationship. I would feel love for someone. My heart would be on fire for them. We all live for those moments. Right? We live for those moments when are hearts on fire with something that is happening in our lives.

But, why, a moment later, when things in my life changed, or that person changed, did that love disappear? It was like a game of cat and mouse. Here it is; here it isn’t.

I would ponder: Am I really here to experience love only sometimes? For only those moments? Really?

Over the years, my question has been answered. I have realized that the feeling of love has always been there, and always will be.

The reason I experienced only moments of love was because I placed power in my life and the circumstances. I, then, believed it was because of what was happening in my life that I was feeling love.

I was then controlled by the things I thought I needed in order to feel that love.

So, as I took my journey deeper and reclaimed power from the illusion that love was something I got from life—or from anything external for that matter—I started to experience love always.

I let go of thinking. I let go of all the places my ego tried to trick me into believing that I lacked the very thing I already am.

I sometimes forget: Love the experience and remember the simple truth.

I am love.


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One Response to “Living On Love”

  1. Empowered you are Jamie Gonzalez

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