
The Death Of Motivation?

  • Posted by Jamie|
  • on November 1st, 2019|

Motivation is such a big part of business and especially success, but is it also the reason why we eventually burn out and fail?

For me, I use to be massively all about motivation. I started young in commercial property leasing and sales. It was all about reaching targets and achieving my goals.

When I began I was very energetic and full of enthusiasm. I had entered a business that I felt excited by because of the results and outcomes I knew were possible.

I did a really good job at achieving success at a young age but as the years went on I started to lose my motivation. It became a daily grind of doing what I knew I could do and although I knew I was good at it and enjoyed it, the motivation of hitting new goals and levels of success didn’t motivate me like once before.

What I later realized is the earlier enthusiasm wasn’t because of the results I was after, it came from the excitement of something new. I did feel inspired to adventure into a new world of business and life at the time.

I craved and enjoyed the experience of something new and the unknown of it all. 

And there was one thing I didn’t need during that stage, motivation. I naturally had it.

You see I mentioned one word just before which I believe carries so much more significance then motivation. 

That word was ‘Inspired’.

I was at a stage in my life where I felt inspired. And when I’m inspired, motivation is not required because it’s something that I naturally find myself full of.

Think about anything in your life that you really enjoy doing, something you really love to do. Now honestly answer yourself, how much motivation do you need to do that thing?

You see, you are naturally inspired to do whatever it takes. You have a limitless well of energy that wants to naturally express.

It does so through your creativity in the ideas and possibilities you bring to the implementation of that project. Energy exudes through your body in the time you give this project. You sometimes find yourself waking up early to get stuck into it or staying back late because you simply love being in the environment that you are creating in. 

Furthermore, you notice that when doing something you are inspired to do, its never about the outcome or results. Although it’s amazing how they show up and almost take care of themselves whilst you continue to play in a space of inspiration.

It is not that you don’t plan or have an idea of the results you’d like to achieve. Instead, you are not so attached or need it going to plan or getting the results because you’re open to the process.

It’s when being able to recognize this that you truly appreciate doing something that feels so true.

This is why I never try and motivate myself but instead stay true to doing what I love.

Motivation is no longer required, it naturally plays out through me in already feeling inspired.

So the big question is. If you need to continually be motivated to do what you do in any area of your life, are you doing what you love?

This doesn’t mean necessarily walking away from something, but it may mean you need to look at the details in how you are going about what you do. 

If you are doing components to your job that you don’t feel inspired by at all, then you are only taking up space for the things which you do feel inspired to be doing. 

This is where some self-guidance and belief are necessary. As otherwise, you can find yourself feeling overwhelmed, stressed and helpless. And this can rob you from actually doing something great that you initially did feel inspired to do. 

This is where some of the greatest business ideas and unique forms of creativity have been hijacked. Its when the mind gets hold of making the outcome and results of what you do way more important than the delivery. This quickly kills the environment required for inspiration to flourish and the desired outcome and results to be achieved.

So here are three suggestions to get you back to feeling and being inspired.

  • Be brutally honest with yourself about what you love to do in your role and what you don’t love to do. Take action on this.
  • Focus your energy and time on the things you do with ease and attention. Get someone else to do things you find difficult and not enjoyable.
  • Be willing to let go of doing something you are comfortable in so to dive into something potentially uncomfortable but importantly inspiring. In other words, live the life you’re feeling inspired by now, not when because of the fear of discomfort.

If you’d like to get back to feeling inspired in life, feel free to scheduled in a FREE chat about mentoring with me – CLICK HERE



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