
What Do I Live For?

  • Posted by Jamie|
  • on July 3rd, 2014|

Everyone is going to answer this question differently because there are so many things we associate with this question. Our answer usually has a lot to do with our plans and goals in life.

Personally, I’ve noticed that the majority of my answers to this question used to be about achieving something. I used to say that I lived for creating a successful property business. While there’s nothing wrong with that, the only thing was: having that goal meant I was looking to arrive at that specific moment in which I had a successful property business. It was only when I saw myself arriving there that I believed I felt fulfilled and alive. So why not in the moments between?

Or another one was that I lived to find my purpose and then make that about what I lived for. I then asked myself, isn’t it purpose enough that I’m simply alive?

It was then I realised purpose was in who I was being, it wasn’t something I found in what I did. Purpose was found within myself and then I would give purpose to what ever I did.

Do you have goals that you live for? Or a purpose you are seeking? Mine used to be business. Yours might be to get rich, save our forests, buy a house or get married. Who knows? We all have different things we live for.

Although it was nice having these goals, plans and ideas of a purposeful life, I noticed that, when I achieved them, I would feel a brief sense of happiness and fulfillment. But, then it would slip away. The feelings of fulfillment and happiness were only temporary.

Is that living? Only having moments of feeling alive?

Living for a desired outcome, result or purpose was not me living at all.

On the way towards these things, I wasn’t really enjoying myself. I was missing something so special because my attention was always on what I needed to acquire or achieve.

I was missing the moment, the only place where love itself truly exists and everything that we are searching for is already found and felt.

When I realized this, I started acknowledging what I was searching for in order to feel complete. I, then, chose to stop and find completeness now, in this moment, within myself.

When we stop, we will also experience the many thoughts and beliefs that come from fear. Although usually we don’t even realize it and just react to the fear. So, on we keep going. We get really, really busy, just so we can avoid feeling anything to do with the fear.

I didn’t want to live that way anymore. All I wanted to live for was love. Love now in this moment, not the next, or when my goals where achieved or purpose found.

The great thing is: When we do choose to live for love now, all the desire we could want seems to find us. Life doesn’t become about an effortful journey, but more an effortless one.

Live for love first. The rest will come.

Want to live for love now? I would love to support you in doing just that, lets chat – SCHEDULE CHAT


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