
5 Ways I Found True Connection

  • Posted by Jamie|
  • on April 16th, 2014|

Have you ever heard a friend say, ‘I wish I had more time for me?” Or ‘It would be great If I simply had more balance in my life.’ I have heard this so many times before. Its probably one of the biggest things my clients come looking for.

When I hear those statements, I hear someone looking for connection within themselves. There are so many ways in which we end up getting distracted in life that we end up saying no to ourselves by prioritizing things in our life first.

This leaves us feeling unfulfilled and empty. We notice that life goes up and down, as though we are on a roller coaster. Sometimes, when things externally are in balance or working out we have moments of peace or fulfillment. But ultimately, we are never at peace, because life has become about maintaining our external world so that we feel secure, safe and happy.

This means we are disconnected from our true self because our power is outside of us.

For me, I knew this way of life very well. I was a work my ass off and chase the next deal type of guy. Yes I had security and I felt like I was getting somewhere. But when I truly stopped, I actually felt I was chasing a life out of fear because I didn’t know who I truly was. My identity was tied up in all my doings in life, and if they fell away then who was I? Or even more importantly, how would I survive? I had responsibilities and people I couldn’t let down.

Eventually I realized my mind was running the show and I was on ego overdrive. So if I was aware of all this, and honest with my self, then I also realized I had a choice. What this meant was taking the time to actually be with myself. The scary thing though was, I didn’t even know what that would look like!?

Years on from this period in my life I have come to learn some very powerful things about how important it is to ensure I live from a space of connection.

I started with meditation and anything, which had me experiencing presence. Soon after I realized I was able to bring presence, which is connection to the moment, connection with who you truly are, with me into every moment of my life.

The most amazing thing is I have come to know that presence is a way of life. There is nothing else outside of this moment. Its like I had to discover myself again, and the truth is that everything I was looking for I already am and have. Its just that somehow I forgot this and then convinced myself that I had to become someone, learn something or fix myself.

Truth is when I am connected through presence there is nothing to fix or search for. I am found, and was never missing.

Here are 5 things I found supportive in bringing connection back into my life

1. Meditation – If you are distracted and busy, just stop and meditate. It doesn’t have to be for an hour, or even 20min. Just started with 5min twice a day and go from there. Just bring your awareness to the souls or your feet and focus on your breath.

2. Exercise – I love working out. When I went for a run or hit the gym I found I was actually really present. Although I was working out, I felt a calm and peace within my mind.

3. Nature – Being in nature is so supportive because you simply connect with what is. I found myself instantly grounded and present as I observed the trees move in the wind or the waves crash upon the beach.

4. Creative Expression – I love writing, when I write I am connected. For you it may be painting, drawing or playing games. What ever takes you into that space where your creativity is required you will usually find connection.

5. Physical Connection – Make love! One of the greatest experiences of connection to ourselves through this physical body is when making love with another. Please don’t suppress this and ensure you are open to a healthy sex life.

As you can see, I’m not about sitting on a rock in order to find myself, although there is nothing wrong with that if its what you feel to do. I’m here to live my life to the fullest whilst supporting others to do the same, from a space in which they are totally free to.

If you found this supportive or have friends that make those initial statements, please feel free to share this below.

Looking for support in living a more connected and fulfilling life? Check out my mentoring page here


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