
Are Your Problems Real?

  • Posted by Jamie|
  • on April 5th, 2014|

Life is always changing, its in constant movement because that is what life is, movement of energy. So why then sometimes do we feel stuck or held back by life? For me I have come to realise its only when I lose myself in what I perceive to be a problem that I feel stuck.

I really started to ponder on this and the more I dived into what I was experiencing, the more I came to realise that I actually don’t have any problems.

Stay with me here, I know that sounds out there, especially if your going through something challenging in life right now, but let this land wherever it may for you.

When I had something going on in my life that I found challenging, I realised it was just myself that I was challenging. There was an underlying emotion beneath it all and rather than sitting with what was there to be expressed, I wanted to run off into the story of the perceived problem. I believe I did this because I wanted to avoid feeling the pain or discomfort and being caught up in the story was easier than facing myself.

So, instead I would find myself telling everyone about my problems, I would react to the problems in so many different ways. Some of these ways you may associate with; unnecessary eating, getting really busy, exercise, drinking, drugs, sex or just about anything that kept me from truly feeling. Although I had been experiencing the discomfort of my problems it was the resistance of what I was experiencing that made it more real.

I then visited the other side of this, which was trying to find ways to change, improve or fix my life. I would adapt new concepts, philosophies or steps in order to avoid feeling and hopefully find myself arrive at the place where I felt I would be ok.

One of the last things I was taught was to just be with myself. Most of the time when life challenges us we are encouraged to over come it, to battle through it and find the solution. I’m not saying that doesn’t work, but really, did I come here to have to battle through life and ensure everything looked balanced on the outside to ensure I felt safe and secure?

I believe that if we can allow ourselves to simply be with the emotions we are experiencing and actually embrace them without trying to get rid of them, you will find that life itself will unblock and flow, just as you do.

I understand though at times this is the scariest thing to do because for some they have a belief, that if they allow themselves to feel the emotion and let go of trying to control it in some way, the pain or discomfort would be to much and they could fall apart.

Some of us have experiences of depression, anxiety and just helplessness of when they last allowed themselves to experience what they were feeling. This in itself seems to stop people from ‘going there’.

Truth is though, that when we allow ourselves to be present and connected there is nothing to fear, not even fear itself.

For me, I found that if I just allowed myself to connect to my breath and realise that just as my breath moves in and out of my body in an effortless way, so will the emotions that need to be expressed and felt.

Next was remembering that who I truly am is not this body or its identity. Forgetting this meant I was in my mind and living with all the things from past, present or future that I believed I was. If I believed those thoughts, then I am also limited by those thoughts and experiences, whether negative or positive.

Over the years I have been putting this into practice and its magical to then see how life reforms itself to reflect the space and love I come to find within. It had always been there, laying behind the pain and discomfort of the problems I thought I had.

I just have to keep reminding myself that its not life that is effortlessly changing, it’s just my true self being expressed in the limitless ways I could never imagine once I got out of the way.

If you are looking for support in truly getting to know yourself, why not check out the WTF experience online or live.


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