
I Am Crazy

  • Posted by Jamie|
  • on September 23rd, 2014|

I know in reality we are here to experience ourselves as this body and what unfolds through our life according to who I think I am. This being my identity and the story that makes up Jamie. This story also is what we use when referencing what is possible according to our circumstances, our limits.

But, what about those moments when things unfold in ways we could never have imagined?

What about when we say yes to a feeling within us that then seems to move beyond our own limits according to what we thought was possible as this body or our circumstances?

Why can’t we always choose to say yes to that feeling, without needing logic, yes to what we love and simply know it is done without thinking about the how?

Some people may call this crazy. I’ve been doing that. I’ve been saying yes to a feeling. Yes to what I love over my circumstances. So yes, maybe I’m a little crazy…

Do you have the will to do the same? Can you say yes to the possibilities of your heart and soul over the fear of your mind that tells you it isn’t possible?

It’s not easy. You will confront yourself. I had to face my limits. I had to embrace my fears in order to know they weren’t real.

It meant challenging the very things I thought were real. This meant letting go of my attachment to things I thought I needed in order to be safe and secure. I did this all so I could experience what true security and safety was.

Only then was I able to enjoy life without thinking I needed certain things in order to be free.

The things that challenged me were mainly my beliefs around money. It had so much control over me. I had placed so much power in it.

What a surprise to me. When I took myself through the fears around finances, I discovered that having or not having money has nothing to do with the life you love to live.

Can you imagine how people would live if we all truly knew and came to experience this? Let me tell you: People would ONLY do what they love in life.

I believe that I am energy—not this body and the thoughts of my mind. I am already limitless. The deeper I come to know myself as this energy, the more I love my life according to what I feel in each and every moment.

What I feel, is what is truly real. The feeling is who I truly am.

That feeling which moves through me is that limitless energy expressing itself into form. I need only get myself—who I think I am, as this body—out of the way.

As I said, it hasn’t been easy. But it has been and continues to be the most treasured journey of my life.

My love of sharing with those who also feel the possibilities within them is, at this moment, something I truly love. My soul is on fire when I do what’s true for me. I feel fortunate to connect with truth seekers around the world each day.

I know, one day, that we will all embrace this way of life, this way of being together. I’m just glad I’m daring to live it now!


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2 Responses to “I Am Crazy”

  1. Leon D. Manuel says:

    felt like i was reading words from such a deep part of me. thanku! for such a poetic message a song from the soul! love it brother

  2. Pleasure Leon D. Manuel, keep feeling the space 😉

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