
Choosing LOVE!

  • Posted by Jamie|
  • on March 29th, 2012|

This past 24hrs I have had some amazing insights around truly loving what I do and being able to continue enjoying what I love by letting go of that which I hold onto out of fear, specifically I am going to talk about finances.

It was almost 12 months ago that I gave away my property business and decided to only do what I love. In doing so and setting that intention the lessons I have had over this time have been huge and continue to show up so I can enjoy and truly do what I love. In a lot of areas of my life I have such an incredible awareness and flow except recently with finances. As you can imagine letting go of a business I have known for the past ten years was scary and I was definitely stepping into an unknown place as I had no idea how things would work out but I was certain I had to follow this feeling within me to connect to what I love and be it.

Over the recent months I always seem to JUST squeeze out the finances I need for bills, expenses or even things I love doing and spending money on. Throughout this time though I would always put my bills first and put my works expenses last because I was unsure of where my next dollar would come from, what I mean by work expenses is spending money on that which I love doing at the moment. Investing into my work where I speak and mentor. I noticed this pattern where I would always have money for other things but I was letting my work expenses slide. Here I am though saying I only want to do what I love in life but pouring money firstly into things that I need to pay, this comes from fear and shows me I’m basically bullshitting myself. The reason I say it comes from fear is that I was scared to spend money on what I love and possibly not have money for that next bill. This is living in fear and staying trapped, some call it the rat race.

As I was running this morning along Bondi beach, and I love to run on the soft sand, there is something about it which makes me feel so good and I find it so enjoyable. I was running my sixth lap and I had a thought come to me. I love running, I just go and do it, without a thought I just connect to love of it and hit the sand. I find it easy because I know as long as I stay relaxed (staying present) with my breathing my body can go the distance and I love the feeling. It was in this moment that something huge came to me this morning….. If I was to run along that beach and HOLD onto each breathe, TRY and breath harder or faster I can guarantee I wouldn’t be able to run the way I do. It would not be a pleasurable experience at all. Imagine that, imagine running along and trying to hold onto each breathe like it’s your last, how hard does running become? See when I run I don’t make it about the HOW, I connect to the feeling of loving to run and I just go for it. I don’t worry about how I am breathing or running. I just connect to the feeling and everything else happens. There is no HOLDING ON or TRYING, I just do it because it feels true for me and I LOVE IT!

So my questions to myself was where in my life am I holding on and trying to make it work? One area was money, why the hell do I hang onto it for that next bill or expense? The answer was because of the fear that I may not have money for the next bill or expense. The next thing that came to me was if I am showing up for what I love to do I wouldn’t even be getting caught up in the how of how the next bill would be paid for, if it was meant to be paid then it will be paid. I didn’t come here to worry about paying the next bill. I didn’t come here to make sure I had enough money for the next expense.

I now know to do what I love, I spend money on what I love to do and not just what I need to pay as otherwise I will just create more of what needs to be paid and I will be pulled away from that which I love to do and be. I now believe that this is how life works. I realized in the past pay I paid my bills and then I was happy, so I made sure I had income which supports the lifestyle and its bills, I go to a job that I need to go to just so I know those bills are paid and I feel safe and secure. Is this really living though? Was I truly doing what I loved or was I just keeping myself busy managing a life that keeps me safe and secure, but how safe and secure is it really?

So from this moment on I’m going to have awareness around all of my finances and make sure I am not avoiding anything. What money comes in will go straight out to pay for must be paid rather than hanging on, just like I run on the beach, I don’t think about my breath, the energy that flows into me and then straight out because I know it’s unlimited. In truth if everything is an energy and therefore limitless, just like the air we breathe then why are you believing money isn’t?

So time to do the same with my finances. Connect to what I love, love being the truth of who we are, one energy that is everything, and continue on. I will now put what I love first and invest in that before anything as I know when I do what I love I will be supported in all areas of my life and that my friend is truly choosing to live and be alive!


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One Response to “Choosing LOVE!”

  1. Alina B says:

    Jamie this is amazing. Comes at such a timely point. I have changed a decision about my own upcoming bills as a result of this post – thank you.

    Funny thing is, I was doing a lighthouse run a few days ago – and it was very intense – and on that run I had pretty much the same realization: the energy of the universe supports my endurance and won’t let me falter. Is it not the same for everything else?

    Much love, Alina x


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