
Is Life Happening To Me?

  • Posted by Jamie|
  • on July 19th, 2013|

It’s been an interesting week for me, to say the least. I had some really profound experiences around finances. It was amazing to observe how quickly my mind wanted to jump in and take over.

It’s so interesting for me to look at areas in my life where I have a reaction. What I mean by that is: I feel charges arise within me. I find this interesting, actually, for two reasons:

1. I am able to observe the person I have become by how I respond and also I catch glimpses of the person I am still to become.

2. I am grateful to be shown where I still have power externally from me in my life, in my identity.

Long story short: Basically, what I thought was in place when it comes to how finances showed up in my life was taken away and changed–not by my choice. It was something, though, that I had manifested. So, I knew there was something great for me unfolding here.

This obviously sent my head spinning. I looked to the story of how I would change and fix this. The truth is though: It is not what has happened to me. I have manifested this situation to show me more of who I really am. To do this, I had to see places I had come to believe were me, things that I believed I had built.

So, by simply feeling and bringing all my attention into the here and now, I have been able to observe charges and thoughts move through me. The more I see all this, the freer I become. I am learning to accept more of myself. Every time I react in the story, I, then, lose my power. I think I have found a solution in the story when there is so much more profound wisdom found in sitting with what has come up for me and letting it be.

How do you respond when life invites change? What areas of your life take up space in your mind?


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