
Is Love Free?

  • Posted by Jamie|
  • on May 14th, 2014|

It’s interesting for me when I hear people say things such as, ‘love is free.’ Especially when that phrase gets used when it comes to doing work on ourselves. People love to find all the free stuff. And if it’s about something ‘spiritual’, then there are those who believe it should be free!

My response to this is simple. Love is not free. 

In getting to know myself on a deeper level, I always ended up paying for it. If it wasn’t financially, then I paid for it through my life experiences. For me, I know I would rather pay for it financially and be supported, than to be dragged through tougher than need be life experiences as I kept getting lost in my own story.

Even at times when money was showing up in a limited way, I would always put it towards working on myself and doing the things I love. Sometimes this meant having to chose between having one thing or another. But as I dropped in deeper I realised I didn’t have to chose anymore, the idea that I had to chose was just my own limitation because I wasn’t allowing enough space for everything.

Either way, there always has to be an exchange of energy so you can own and integrate what you know, rather than just simply knowing it.

These days people are hungry for love. There is so much stuff out there which talks about the how. How to find happiness, abundance, freedom etc. Apparently you can find it in a 20min meditation or a short ebook. We are so hungry for the quick steps because the part of us that is looking for love does not know it is love itself.

Really though I see something different… I see people that are scared, just like I was. Scared to be vulnerable, scared to step into the unknown, scared to let the next perfect step unfold before them so they can experience who they truly are. I protected myself by simply knowing it all, but could I live it, no. Mostly the reason I was scared to actually show up for what I truly loved, was because I thought in order to do so, I had more to lose.

The crazy thing was that behind these fears was everything I could ever dream of. It’s the same for all of us, behind our thoughts is a limitless field of possibility.

So next time you question the thought of paying for something, especially when it comes to being supported on your journey of truth, ask this question.

Are you simply just reacting to believing you don’t have the money in the first place?

The more honest your answer, the more real you will get with yourself and begin to realise that you actually never had money problems in the first place… Rather you had an issue with the depth of connection to the truth of who you are. The truth, which is that feeling which has already said yes regardless of your perceived money limitations. Your reaction is the resistance to what you are experiencing by thinking you are limited.

So just take the next step, I’ll meet you there…

How does this topic cause you to feel? Would love to hear your comments below.

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One Response to “Is Love Free?”

  1. Jennifer Barton says:

    We spend our money, time and energy on what we consider important in our lives. Be it our hobbies, fashion, travel, family, our businesses, coaching etc. If we are not willing to fork out some of our available cash to improve ourselves, it's a sign that personal growth is not a current priority. That said, another perspective to consider is that some people do not have enough money to cover much more than their basic needs to live. For them, spending hundreds of dollars on personal development instead of feeding and clothing their children could be considered neglect. People who begin with free services may be utilising the resources they can afford at the time. The responsible people in the personal development industry might be wise to encourage this, and hope that when they have built up their feelings of abundance and financial education through free services, and are in a position to afford a higher quality service, it is likely that they will choose to come to those who supported their initial efforts when times were tough.

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