
Limit Breaker: Scott Gooding

  • Posted by Jamie|
  • on August 1st, 2014|

I love supporting another local Bondi man, and Scott is truly a local. You will most probably catch him first thing in the morning training his clients or just cruising around Bondi and enjoying the amazing lifestyle this place offers.

Scott has been inspiring to watch. He has come from humble beginnings and really made it for himself. As you will read below, his done some incredible things of late. Enjoy!

Scott Gooding

Who Is Scott?

Scott is an advocate for health and fitness and promotes the path towards optimal health. An exercise specialist of 9 yrs and a background in exercise science, scott has run a successful PT and bootcamp business in bondi since 2005.

Scott recently appeared on MKR with friend Luke Hines as “The Healthy Chefs” and promoted healthy cooking to families across Australia.

More recently Scott has published two books  “Clean Living” – a healthy lifestyle book and Clean Living The Cookbook – paleo inspired recipes. The clean living series continues to grow the books 3 and 4 set to hit the shelves soon

Scott continues to share his message about health and aims to positively influence what people eat and how we move on a day to day basis

Scott’s Interview

What does limitless living mean for you?

I guess for me is about pushing the boundaries of what is easy or normal and plunging, sometimes head first, into an unknown, unfamiliar or challenging situation. So in essence, striving for what you are truly passionate about regardless of perceived limitations.

What has been your biggest challenge in life where you were faced with limitation in some way? What supported you to move through it?

I am passionate about health and fitness and feel a real need to share a message that will positively influence how people eat and move.

However, to do this you need to have the confidence and at times be an extrovert – the biggest hurdle is my inherent shyness. I am constantly overcoming character traits in order to get my message out there. At times its a real test to put aside your inner fears for the greater good.

How often do you follow your intuition/gut feel in life? Why?

Making a decision is often tough as your brain, heart and gut can often conflict but more often than not your gut prevails with the better option. Time and experience will only tell whether to rely on the gut instincts. I reckon I rely on my intuition daily and am comfortable doing so, particularly the older I get.

So what is it that you absolutely love to do in life? Can you describe how you feel and the space you’re in when you are doing it?

The biggest buzz and contentment is hearing how you’ve positively affected someone’s life through communicating a strong positive message around health and fitness.

The space I’m in often varies according to the platform I’m working from but im always passionate and engaged.

What does living from your heart mean to you and do you find it easy to express how you feel?

I’ve always been one to express how I feel whether its with a mate or a partner. Living from your heart is being honest and expressive with your feelings. If you’re not expressive with your heart I tend to feel like you’ll miss out on amazing interactions with people.

So lets say in this moment you are totally limitless, free and happy. What would you love to do next?

Big question: I’d absolutely love to travel further afield and continue to spread the message about health and fitness.

Stay connected with Scotty!

Website: scottgoodingfitness.com.au
Facebook: facebook.com/scottgoodingfitness
Instagram: scottyfit
Twitter: scottyfit

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