
Limitation Addiction

  • Posted by Jamie|
  • on September 16th, 2012|

Oh my how we are obsessed with our limitations… I’m talking about the time when I would be freaked out by how bad things could get, how hard I may fall or the pain that I was scared to feel. Then there is the opposite end. Chasing that place of ultimate happiness, reaching for the stars, chasing that place you can’t wait to arrive at so that life is perfect and you feel safe. In between the both there is also the sides we are scared of bumping into along the journey, welcome to the prison of your mind.

It was these limitations that use to keep me feeling so stuck. These thoughts are always something that was in the future or past and brought fear into my life, it took me away from the moment and being able to experience the perfection of each moment as it is. Recently I have come to see these limitations as a lie. To me they are just thoughts of a imaginary illusion called life that limits my true infinite self. The next question was how willing am I then to let go and experience everything right here, right now no matter how hard or far I may fall… Could I let go of having to arrive, to win this game called life? The answer was I am willing to experience what ever I am to experience, go all the way for whatever shows up in this moment as that is only when I can come to find who I really am. It has been the only way I have been able to trust more in myself rather than looking to trust life.

If I had power in my life circumstances or had a judgement on anything I found that my limitations where very real. By letting go of seeing my circumstances as real, by feeling into my heart, my soul and knowing this connection was what gave me free will to chose a life filled with purpose and meaning rather than getting sold on the illusion. There have been areas in my life where I had limits, limits of how uncomfortable I was willing to get because I was attached to who I thought I was. By letting go of my limitations in the story of life, instead of thinking that I was falling, I have come to feel as though I am starting to fly and that there never was a bottom.

How present are you to each moment? What are your limits and how far are you willing to go, to let go and discover the truth?

Life has no limitations except those you make…


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