
Stepping Into The Unknown

  • Posted by Jamie|
  • on June 14th, 2014|

I know if I go this way then this is where I will end up. How do I know? Well, you see, apparently if I stick to this plan, it has been shown before that this is the result I will get.

Oh, okay. So if I go, I’ll take the steps that have been planned out before me…

Oh shit! That plan didn’t go according to my expectations. My experience doesn’t match what I thought would happen…

Do you ever find yourself in the same predicament?

After many years of being told to take these 7 steps to happiness or use this technique, method or tool to improve my life in order to arrive at my place of peace, success and love, I realised I was never going to arrive.

You see, I started to realise it was totally up to me. No one else could tell me how to get there and there was no magic trick or short cut that was going to get me what I wanted. The how was my magical experience of life in letting go and following my own path.

I was scared though. What if I was making the wrong choice? What if I failed? What if I didn’t survive?

So, I still looked for someone who appeared to have that which I seek for to tell me the how.

Its been engrained in us from an early age. We go to school and are told what we need to know in order to become our best versions of self. We trust that if we practice hard enough, if we remember the answers, we will achieve and succeed.

But, at what? Getting what’s been done before us right again? Living according to what we have been told is success and freedom?

No… I couldn’t just believe we came here to do such things. I didn’t believe that freedom was something I had to obtain, I wanted to know I was already free. I wanted to believe we all came here to be our own unique versions of ourselves. That we had a special purpose within ourselves, waiting to be authentically expressed.

In order to experience this, I soon worked out I had to let go of what I knew. I had to step into the unknown by following what felt true to me. I had to trust that purpose was in who I am being so I could then give purpose to what I do, not seek for purpose in what I do.

Letting go of attachment, needs, and my judgments is where my work unfolds.

It’s was like, and continues to be, a melting of layers into a nothingness where, as I begin to feel at home in the nothingness, I also start to realise I am also everything. Separation ends and the unknown becomes less scary. It becomes overwhelmingly fulfilling and powerful.

For me, in the story, my first step was to simply stop working in a property career and business I had built up over a decade. Well it was not so simple at the time and came with loads of fear.

The very thing I had been chasing through business, security and freedom, was the very thing I had given away and further more, I was controlled by it. I wasn’t secure or free at all because it was something I relied on externally and therefore was only temporarily experienced depending on my circumstances.

For me, the truth was I’d had enough of trying to work myself and life out, it just felt right to let go. It made no logical sense at the time and I thought I was going crazy. Following that feeling was the biggest leap of faith I ever took. But, years later I understand that it was the defining moment that supported me in confronting my biggest fears, my biggest limitations and going through them to then truly find myself.

Most of my power was in finances, it kept me stuck and playing small, it was what I believed gave me the security, freedom and the perceived ability to live my life the way I loved. Stepping into the unknown was facing these beliefs and going straight through them, so to truly know it was just a form of limitation no matter how much money I had or didn’t have. This is what then freed me and what I continue to embrace. It wasn’t about making more money or being smarter, it was actually knowing it all had nothing to do with money.

We all have power in something that we use to keep us thinking small and stuck, I do think when it comes down to it, money is 90% of why people don’t follow their truth. We feel something we would love to do, but then a moment later our mind comes in and says ‘but what about the cost?’, ‘I can’t because of work’, ‘I have to pay my bills first’, ‘My partner will get upset’, ‘I have to be responsible’…. etc. And so all the possibilities that originally came with that feeling, get swallowed up by our own limitations.

I know you also know what your first step is, its what your heart is calling you towards.

Following that feeling is what it means to be alive, its in that moment when you align with your truth that nothing is missing and everything you are searching for will be found. Being alive for what we feel, not what we think we need, is choosing love over fear. When I follow what I feel I’m not focused on the outcome or result, in that moment I have everything, that feeling comes from the infinite, limitless truth of who we are, why would something that is already infinite need to focus on a result or outcome?


The question is: Are you willing to start following your own self, your truth that is already free? I know, it will be your greatest and most treasured journey. But it is only for those who truly deserve it, those willing to take that first step and keep walking their journey.

Looking for support in connecting deeper with your truth so you can free yourself? Give yourself a free fifteen-minute chat with me. Schedule it in by clicking here 


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4 Responses to “Stepping Into The Unknown”

  1. So Phee Mc Laren says:

    Love this Jamie! So true!

  2. Amelia Hill says:

    I enjoyed this post, Jamie. Really great.
    I particularly resonated with your insights on identity & attachment
    to the circumstances, people & possessions on our lives & the long held beliefs about who we think we are and what we think is possible for our lives.
    Illness stripped from my life all the things I loved & identified with. But, it was within this emptiness and vast area of unknowns, that I finally discovered the depth of who I truly was, I finally found my greatest treasure … ME.

    All the best,

  3. Thanks Amelia, so beautiful to hear you have found yourself 🙂

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