
The Chicken Or The Egg?

  • Posted by Jamie|
  • on August 23rd, 2013|

So which comes first: the chicken or the egg? I asked that same question when it came to that feeling, my intuition, compared to life. Do I feel it first or is life happening and then I am feeling it?

Recently, I experienced first-hand what it is like when you follow your feeling and stay open to how it will manifest in your life. That feeling is just energy. It is energy in its formless state. It’s who we are. Through my experience, that formless energy comes into form in my reality.

A few weeks ago, I noticed a feeling arise. I knew what the feeling was about and the action I felt I needed to take. The only thing was: I wasn’t sure why. I was scared about the possibilities and also saddened over what I might lose.

My attention was in my story. It was outside of me, and it brought up all sorts of emotions. I knew, though, that the feeling is more real than the story. It comes from a place where I already have everything and have nothing to lose.

In following my feeling, it was so powerful, then, to see the story, my life, unfold to support the decision that was made from trusting what I felt. It was sometimes challenging to remind myself to be present with the feeling and trust in who I truly am. But, the more I stayed present and trusted what was unfolding, the more certain I felt, fulfilled and complete.

No matter what is going on in your life now, no matter how incredible your circumstances are, if you take a moment to connect and find this moment, you will feel your truth. You will come to accept your circumstances and trust from within. When you do so by embracing, letting go, and allowing, it is incredible how the story will then shift.

It will reflect the freedom you already are, the joy you always possess, and the love of who you are.


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