
Venturing into Space!

  • Posted by Jamie|
  • on October 25th, 2013|

As a kid, I always wondered about the amazing life of an astronaut. It’s an adventure that, at present, only a very few of us have made. And, rightly so! Taking a journey into space is no easy feat.

I always look at life and ponder on how certain stories are reflections of truth. I love to observe the stories that we engage in as we play the game of life.

As I was looking up at the sky the other night, it dawned on me how similar that journey into space reflects how hard it is for us to take the leaps into the space of who we truly are:  That empty feeling we find ourselves sensing when we deeply connect to the here and now.

Firstly, we become aware that there is all this space, looking up and knowing it is there. We see it. We can feel it.

Then, there is deciding to take that journey.

Next comes letting go of what we think we know, losing our identity as we see it, so we can be open to the truth.

On a physical level, there is so much preparation involved in taking this extraordinary journey into space. Some say they would love to go. But, when faced with the time, costs, and resources it becomes all but an idle dream.

Is this similar to the journey of truth within ourselves?

I believe so. I know there have been times when I have questioned my own journey. There have been times when I have questioned the unknown itself. Sometimes, it makes no sense at all. But, like that feeling we get, the excitement when we are embarking on a new journey, when that arises, I remember why I chose to and continue to dive deeper into the unknown.

As I take each step, I feel alive, without knowing the end result or outcome. Everything becomes one and the same. I feel so connected, sometimes beyond explanation.

This, for me, is truly living. It is putting aside what I think I know and trusting in the unknown, finding certainty in the uncertainty. This is freedom. From this space comes my purest expression.

The cool thing is: We must all be evolving. Apparently, only years from now, you will be able to experience space travel on a commercial flight.

Maybe we are getting closer to trusting in ourselves to live from the unknown. Perhaps we are closer to discovering the truth of who we are and living it!


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