
What does it mean to BE?

  • Posted by Jamie|
  • on December 11th, 2012|

People often ask who I am or who I would want to be.  Do you ever ponder these questions?

As you may be aware now from my previous posts, I am someone that likes to ponder deep questions. Of late, the word being has come up a lot. So, naturally, I have been taking time to feel what comes through when I connect to my being.

The world is definitely undergoing a shift, do you feel it?

I ask the question and almost everyone agrees. It’s something we can all sense and feel. It’s something which ignites our sense of being. When we connect to this part of ourselves, it feels so much larger than just a feeling within our bodies.

What I am talking about is connecting to an energy that moves through us all. This energy is everything. It is in everything, in each and every moment. When we are present, we become part of this. We find ourselves riding the flow of life. The interesting thing is: When I have pondered what it is to be, I feel it has nothing to do with an outcome, a goal, or any certain thing. It feels more like a constant expression of connection to the energy that is all things.

As we make a conscious effort to connect to this, we are, in essence, being. We are connected. Our thoughts and actions come into alignment. Thinking seems to slow and life becomes so much more a colorful acceptance of who we truly are. All things feel as though they are possible.

Recently, it seems that many of us have been through some incredible changes in our physical world. In so many ways, people are experiencing the change. However, if people let go and accept the change that has unfolded in their lives, they all chose to focus on following what they feel they would love in life. It’s as if they have let go of the attachments, labels, and judgments they had in the physical world, and are now tapping into the sense of being which does not limit itself to the physical.

I remember being scared to step out and follow my instincts to speak and mentor. Firstly, I had no idea how this would happen and secondly I had so much fear around how I would survive financially after accumulating debt and a lifestyle I thought I might not be able to afford. Making space,  facing my fear front on, has been the most freeing experience of my life. The magic that has unfolded through showing up for what I love in life has been amazing, to say the least. I just kept connecting to how I felt. When I kept connecting to my sense of being, I could feel that I was in the right place, even though my circumstances, at times, were incredibly challenging. Through staying connected, I felt bigger than what was unfolding and I stayed true to what I felt.

I believe that we are coming into a new time. We are realising who we truly are, that we are connected to this energy. We are, in fact, every single moment, free to be. Free to have, do, and become whatever our true being is.

There is a infinite power that lies within us all and if we peel away that which we have put power in outside of us, power in the finite, that which has already manifested and come to be in our reality. Under each layer you will come to feel the expansiveness of who you truly are, the possibilities of who you could really BE. This is when you become bigger than anything in your life, bigger than any circumstances, problems, things or excuses that hold you back for that One energy only cares for the now, this moment. Time to BE my friend.




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