
What Our Thinking Is Really Distracting Us From…

  • Posted by Jamie|
  • on February 17th, 2013|

Do you ever notice the exact moment when you get distracted? Before you know it, you’re being entertained and following your thoughts without even being aware of it!

When I start to entertain my thoughts, I seem to get very distracted from the here and now, the present moment. I feel as though my power is placed outside of myself.

Usually, the story has not even unfolded yet. It’s only the noise in my head from all the thinking of possible scenarios and outcomes that take up space. I then find that, in some way or another, my actions or sometimes my lack of actions lead to my creating the very experience that I am visualizing. This becomes habit. I find myself on a merry-go-round, controlled by external forces and circumstances, leaving me feeling powerless and at the mercy of hope in the story of my life.

This may happen for you in many different areas. For me, it occurs most often in finances. I was always distracted by bills and upcoming expenses. The thoughts revolved around: How will I pay for things? Will I have enough money left? Will I run out?

Ultimately, these worries served as such a distraction that they played into my identity by giving me purpose. Seriously, if I wasn’t making sure all this happened and that I was creating my wealth, security, and lifestyle then who would do it? A little voice hounded me asking those questions. I worked hard, and got the job done. This brought in the money so I could live another day. I was distracted by concerns about what would happen if I wasn’t managing and manipulating scenarios and outcomes to ensure all this stuck together.

As you can see, that voice was very loud and made sure I was very distracted. You might ask, though, from what, exactly, was I distracted?

Where are you when all these voices are occurring?? The answer for me was: In my head. When I was in my head I was doing things out of fear. I was driven by my ego which needed to survive and exist in my thoughts and reality. I was distracted from following my heart, following my truth.

By simply ignoring the voices, the distractions, I found that I would then be able to feel. I would be able to connect and be present with the here and now and express from my heart. In doing so, I became bigger than that voice, bigger than the distractions. Sometimes it’s not the voices you notice at first. Sometimes it’s the action you take such as: eating food, sitting on the couch, being really, really busy.

When you notice the actions you will start to notice the voice driving these actions. This awareness will give you the opportunity to dispel those voices, those  distractions and be in the moment.

I now take time each day to bring myself into the present, the here, the now. I take time to connect and ground myself with where I am so that I may follow my intuition, the voice of truth that speaks from heart.

It’s not something that happens over night but, by bringing awareness to this distraction, gradually the loud voice in my head seems to subside. My life seems to reflect more of what I love because I am taking time to connect to my heart, my true self, so that instead of the distractions, my true self may be expressed in my reality.

How often do you stop and connect? Are you aware of what distracts you from the present moment?

Feel free to share this with others you know that also do a great job of being distracted, enjoy!



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