
Its Just a Story

  • Posted by Jamie|
  • on January 1st, 2013|

Today I awoke just before 6 a.m. to greet the first day of 2013. This year feels like a year of change. I don’t mean your typical change, though. I feel it’s more about a change in who we are. A change in how we will continue to live our lives, a change that will take us beyond the physical and allow us to be more connected with our hearts, our essence.

I was sitting pondering my role in helping support people in this change that is taking place. Usually, when I have spoken to individuals and audiences around the world, I tell them a story. It’s the story of how I became the person I am today and how I am living now from the insights and wisdom that has formed who I have become.

Today, though, I felt like all that didn’t matter anymore. What a strange feeling! My story of who I was, my great lessons, life experiences, and insights don’t matter anymore? I sat mulling this over. Then, all of a sudden, I felt this huge opening, so much space. This feeling wasn’t so foreign to me. It’s something I have come to know over recent years. This time, it felt like an even deeper, greater sense of space.

I realized what this interesting thought was about. We all have stories of how we have grown up, our tragedies, our successes, our loves, and our heartbreaks. Some of us use our story for different reasons. Some of us use it to reflect on truth and look for deeper meaning of who we are. Some of us use the story to stay trapped and avoid becoming who we truly could be. Sometimes, this happens not by conscious choice but just because it’s our story and what we know of ourselves. Some of us even use other people’s stories from different times and eras  to help fortify us. We use their identities to make us feel safe.

For what ever reason, I felt like today, this year, taking the next step into the very next moment, why should any of that matter? If I feel so much space beyond this present moment, having no story, then why should it matter? The truth is: It doesn’t! OMG did this feel true!

My story feels like a cocoon, something that a butterfly would use to strengthen, grow, and transform from that little caterpillar it once was. The cocoon of our stories gives us a space in which to turn and struggle, to fight and grow, learn and forget.

It’s an important space, I suppose, because, in that cocoon, you ponder and can feel there is something more, something waiting for you once you decide to break free of that which is holding you.

How long you spend in that cocoon is your choice. No one can free you. As is the truth of how a caterpillar comes to life, If the butterfly breaks out before it is ready, the butterfly won’t have the strength to stretch its wings and use the air beneath those wings.  Like the butterfly, if we break the our cocoon before we are ready, we will never fly.

Only when you decide that it’s time and truly know that you are no longer this caterpillar stuck in a cocoon, do you let go of the stories that keep you trapped and break free. You free yourself, knowing full well who you truly are and that you were meant to fly!

The past couple of years, I have seen butterflies everywhere. I even had an experience where one flew straight up to me and just sat on my hand.


It sat there for almost thirty minutes with the butterfly resting on my finger. I walked back to my apartment in Santa Monica. I always felt touched by this experience but have never truly understood its meaning. Today, I feel it. Today I feel that I am that butterfly!

In this moment, I know that we are all free, free to fly and enjoy the air beneath our wings. It is totally up to you to decide when it will be time for you to really believe this and live it.

Know that you are and have always been free. Within you is a great power. No matter what your story is, what your circumstances are, if you ask you can do absolutely anything your heart would love. I mean absolutely anything!

You need only ask how and allow the thought, the path, the journey to come to you as you step forward. I know this because I have changed who I am by following this feeling. I have done the impossible and experienced the limitless potential of myself. You and I are no different. The story of how is just a story. It doesn’t matter! What matters is that you know and have this sense of connection to who you truly are and that you live from that space.

Know that nothing can stop you. You need no one. You are everything that is required. Just do it with love. Do what’s true for you. I promise you: In this moment, you will feel the possibility of your unlimited potential.

With lots of love, I look forward to sharing my 2013 journey with you all.



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4 Responses to “Its Just a Story”

  1. Karen Bradley says:

    Hi Jamie….. an awesome read right now….. thank you! It’s exactly what I was going through last night and the same result….. FREEDOM! You gotta love it! 🙂

  2. Jamie says:

    Thanks Karen, glad you enjoyed the read. Looking forward to seeing you at OMG soon! Happy New Year 🙂

  3. Sophie says:

    Thank you Jamie. My skin tingled when I read this blog. That butterfly analogy is so powerful. I think I am ready to go beyond the story!

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