
Feeling Powerless? How To Reclaim Power

  • Posted by Jamie|
  • on January 25th, 2013|

This month I have been pondering on what is involved in reclaiming power. This topic was actually covered at the OMG (Oneness Mentoring Group) course which we run at Be Free People.

What does reclaiming power mean? Well, let’s look at three specific questions and examples around this topic:


One of the first questions to ponder on is: When does something have power over you or take power from you?

The clearest answer is: Things we try to control often  control us.  Anything in my life that I have tried to control ended up controlling me. By trying to control something, I am actually giving it power and resisting what is.

For example: I was going through financial difficulty at one stage. I was focused on  how I would pay my debts or bills. My life became about trying to manage all of this and making sure I was going to make money. I would always be looking at money-making strategies, planning so I felt safe and thinking I had discovered a solution to my financial difficulties. The things I would love to do came with an agenda because of my fear of lack of money.

As a result, I had no space to be creative. My mind was consumed by thinking of where the next dollar would come from rather than playing and being in the moment. All my insights and creative juices were being channeled toward producing such results as money. When you make your efforts about money, the money controls you. Rather than using money as a means of doing what you love and being free, your agenda becomes making money.


At what moment do you know you have given power to something?

Whatever it is, the minute you judge something by labeling it, you have given it power. Whether that thing is good or bad, right or wrong, you are giving life to that it and reinforcing it.

When I followed my thoughts about my financial situation and believed my story, I was reinforcing what was. In that moment, I had lost my power. If I wanted to change what was manifested, I would have to accept it. Only then would I be free to choose that which I love.

It was not about the money either. What I love was a feeling: An expression from my heart which felt light. When I was acting from that space, I felt like I was in my flow. I felt bigger than any problems or worries such as finances. This is the moment when my circumstances  changed. Money flowed in. But, it wasn’t the money that made me happy. It was who I was being that fulfilled me—that gave me power.


How do you reclaim power?

Place your attention on the truth: the truth that everything is just energy and actually neutral. You place you awareness on the truth by sensing it. You have your five human senses. Then, you have your sixth sense. That sense is a feeling that moves through you. Some of you may identify with this feeling in your gut or your chest. However you feel this sense of who you truly are is perfect for you.

When we bring into awareness who we are being in life, the world outside us becomes even brighter and more fun. The feeling is one of freedom. You find yourself experiencing things, places, and people without attachment. It’s like just using what is for that moment and moving to the next and experiencing whatever shows up then and there.


This month, I have spent a lot of time noticing when I gave power to something. Do you notice things that take your power? What are these things for you? I’d love to hear from you!





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