
Man Love

  • Posted by Jamie|
  • on January 28th, 2013|

This post goes out to the men of the world, so when I talk about a man doing what he loves or living from his heart this may come as something quite different to some.

These days I believe we are coming into a time where men that are not connected to their hearts, ready to be vulnerable and let their guards down so to be real with themselves rather than trying to live up to a certain perceived social educate are going to struggle. Not just in relationships with women who are now looking for this type of man, but also in business and general life. We all feel life as we know it has changed. The normal structure and way which things are done and how we are with each other has transformed into experiences of how we feel. Being in touch with our sense of being has become crucial and significant over logical thinking. The logical thinking has become second to our senses, the logical now used rather than the logical using us.

This for a man, can sometimes seem daunting and scary as there are so many areas of life where we are expected to show strength by having control and order in how life is to play out. Living from the heart cares not for any planning or order, but only for the moment. This is how we are now to live, for the moment, from love which’s essence is in the present moment.

For me having realised this and then choosing to act on it was no easy leap.

Following my heart and doing what I loved rather than what I thought I needed to do was one scary concept, especially because I didn’t know what it was I would love to do. I did however know what I didn’t love to do. I started with one big area of life, my business. Don’t get me wrong but I did enjoy what I was doing and was good at it. It paid the bills and gave me a lifestyle but I didn’t truly love it. And the problem was that I believed it was what paid the bills and gave me my life I was able to live… Oh how this was one big illusion.

Leaving behind my property career of ten years and stepping into unknown times was gut wrenching. Telling my partner I felt to leave my career and business behind to follow a feeling was a little out there. Her first response was “honey exactly how do you think you will afford to live and pay for our lifestyle, rent, mortgagees, debts etc?”

Honestly I had no idea, but I was prepared to experience what ever came my way because I wanted to create space and find my passion, my love of life, that which I would give purpose to by having found purpose within myself.

I was even prepared to let go of my partner who I loved so much if it meant she was not willing to be part of my journey. I know men may have all different types of circumstances such as a wife, family, children and these all carry responsibilities… But for me I knew regardless of my circumstances I wanted to be living a life and not just living to make a living for the life I had built around me. If I wasn’t going to do this for myself then how could I ever expect to be truly happy and giving of myself to anything in life, it was time to find my true self.

My family also freaked and thought I had gone off the deep end. The reactions of people to what I was doing I came to find so interesting. How funny it is when someone lets go and decides to live outside the box. Why was this such a shock to some?

One of the challenges I faced was telling people that knew me in the property industry, people I looked up to and also friends. This was challenging because it was facing my identity that I had built up. I had found creditability, significance and purpose in my career and all the people involved around that. Imagine going up to your footy team mates and telling them you wanted to go and become a dancer, that’s what it was like. I heard this loud voice inside my head literally screaming at me as I faced my own fears in speaking to others and telling them I was leaving things behind because I felt there was something more out there for me, what that was I didn’t know yet.

This leap was about two years ago now and I can tell you in this time I have had some of the most confronting experiences but at the same time such deep insights to truth, to the power that lays within us all when we follow our feelings and start to align our thoughts and actions with that which we love.

I still have my beautiful loving partner, live in the same beautiful home, enjoy a great lifestyle, travel monthly but most importantly I find myself living from my heart and because of my willingness to do so I now inspire others to do the same everyday. My life is more fulfilling than ever and it has nothing to do with that which I have or do, it’s about who I am now being.

So, for those men out there that feel there living a life of expectation due to their role as a male and find themselves stuck or feeling disconnected to what they would love to be. I challenge you to take time and start feeling into your heart. Take time to know your emotions and feelings so you can then do more of what you love in life.

Great male leaders in life knew what it was that they loved, they would crusade and go along the journey ready to face their fears. This is what made them great and true leaders. They had passion that came from there hearts and not there minds, they operated from a space of infinite power. Following what they felt was true for them no matter what the story, no matter what others thought.

One of our modern time heros I like to refer to is Steve Jobs, a man that said “above all else trust your intuition”…

I encourage you to share this story with any fellow male of mine out there that you think would love to read this, sharing what’s possible sometimes gives others the willingness they need to follow their own hearts.

Click below and share away, thank you!



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9 Responses to “Man Love”

  1. This is beautiful Jamie!

    You inspire me. Today’s men need men like you in their lives to pave the way in teaching about the strength in vulnerabilities. It can be a tumultuous time I’m sure, as men start to FEEL their way, and navigate through ’emotions’ and ‘intuition’ and gut feelings and longings- all things that were probably quite foreign before. More than anything, they need to know that they can be supported through this process. Your story proves that.

    You are so brave, and I admire the choices you’ve made.

    Looking forward to meeting you one day mate !!

    Tara x

    • Jamie says:

      Hi Tara,

      Thanks for your support and I also can’t wait to meet you, Melissa has shared such wonderful insights about what you do. I love what you are doing and really enjoy your email. Thanks for being you!

  2. Brenda says:

    Hi Jamie,

    This is an unbelieveably timely piece that I will forward to my husband.

    He has been soul-searching for a year & is although he is getting closer to his truth, he is also defnitely feeling the weight of the incredible cost of having to support a family with two kids, as you mention.

    How long did it take you to discover your “dance”? And how did you discover it?

    Thank you.

    • Jamie says:

      Hi Brenda,

      I love how you refer to it as my ‘dance’, its exactly what it feels like! To answer your question I never had a clear idea or plan so to say of what my dance would look like. I just started to take each step towards the things I love that make up my dance. It is one of the hardest things in the beginning because your ego wants to know ten steps ahead so you feel safe. For me I just had a willingness to trust and show up no matter what happened in my story, i promised myself i would show up no matter what happen.

      So I would encourage to just start dancing by taking the steps that feel true, our dance is what makes us special, its our journey and only ourselves can dance our dance!

      Thanks for your support and sharing

  3. Julie McKie says:

    Hi Jamie,

    Thank you so much for sharing your story! I know if my husband were sitting here next to me reading this (which he will do tomorrow), he would agree that this is an age where men need to be inspired to let go of their ego, listen to their intuition and live each moment from the heart.

    Like yourself, my husband had his path mapped out well and truly… a private school education, a seemingly successful career / business and living 100% by the expectations placed upon him by society and those closest to him (including himself). Then the catalyst came that broke everything around us, including our relationship and ultimately changed his / our lives completely.

    Without going into too much detail, what finally broke us, also brought us back together and opened up a whole new world of unexpected gifts and abundance on every level. I now go to bed every night and wake up every morning with a man who meditates and practices yoga, who chooses to eat compassionately and who lives 100% of his existence through his heart… how truly blessed is he. And like you, through walking his talk, shares his experience daily with others in the hope of showing them the way we were all intended to live.

    We have often wondered how we share our experience with the world, in the hope of spreading the message that to live in ones heart is to truly live…

    God bless you Jamie x

    • Jamie says:

      Hi Julie,

      Thanks for your honest and open sharing. Sounds like you have been on an incredible journey with your husband and its beautiful to see you both supporting each other as you both individually learn more about yourselves. Coming together with one another through this and having such life stories to share, and most importantly still having a love for one another no matter what happens is what unconditional love is all about.

      Thanks you for your support and sharing your journey with the world!

  4. Thank you so much for sharing your story, Jamie. I find it encouraging that there are men brave enough to change their lives and live from their heart. It gives me hope that more men will begin to find their voice in the world and live authentically. Much love Michele ♥

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