
Limit Breaker: Rachel MacDonald

  • Posted by Jamie|
  • on July 4th, 2014|

I meet this incredible woman a few years back whilst on holiday in Byron Bay, I clearly remember first connecting with her and feeling how alive she was, hence the glow she carried. I found out why moments later.

Rachel had just taken a leap in following her heart. She had left her secure job and dived into what she does today. She was free because she had given that feeling of possibility, love itself, space by not holding herself back. She said yes to it rather than buying into the fears of ‘what if?’.

She faced her perceived limitations and busted right through. That experience has fuelled her to continue her journey and live a spirited life.

Today she supports woman in doing the same. Her coaching schedule is full, her bliss is ever present. So I’m pleased to share this passionate soul with you so you to may be inspired to leap into your bliss like she continues to do everyday, enjoy!

Rachel Macdonald

Who Is Rachel?

Rachel MacDonald is a passion-fuelled writer, mentor, life coach trainer and inspirational speaker. As the co-author of Spirited: Soulful Lessons on Clarity, Connection + Coming Home (to You) and Spirited 2014 Companion: Spirited Solutions to What’s Holding You Back, Rachel has empowered thousands of woman around the globe to dive deeper and find their way ‘home.’ She also helps heart-centred bloggers and entrepreneurs express themselves authentically and creatively online via her much-loved program and community, Bright-Eyed & Blog-Hearted.

With unwavering enthusiasm and electric insights, Rachel’s mission is to guide women out of fear and uncertainty and into lives they love (and truly desire). Clarity meets creativity, intention meets inspired action. That’s her special brand of magic.

Connect at In Spaces Between (www.inspacesbetween.com), or on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Rachels Interview

What does limitless living mean for you?

Full-tilt self-responsibility and deep trust. Knowing that in every moment, I’m actively choosing my response to whatever experience is going down – whether it’s glorious, gloriously challenging or anything in between.

I can choose to see an experience through the lens of an old, deeply embedded story (a fear or belief designed to keep me safe and small) or I can lean in with faith, grace, curiosity, wonder and a wide, open heart. So much better.

What has been your biggest challenge in life where you were faced with limitation in some way? What supported you to move through it?

Perhaps not my biggest challenge, but something in recent years (that has since instructed my mission) was feeling completely and utterly disconnected from myself and disconnected from any sense of passion and purpose while I worked for someone else.

I spent my days overwhelmed and over it, but like it does for so many of us, my stories around stability/ security and a whole host of other things kept me in a ‘great on paper’ job for a lot longer than I should have stayed. And it was kinda heartbreaking, now that I look back because I can see where I lost faith in ME and my ability to thrive in uncertainty.

What supported me though it? Coaching. Kinesiology. Personal practices. Those closest to me – my A-team. Leaping and trusting. Remembering who I was.

How often do you follow your intuition/gut feel in life? Why?

Every day! I consider my intuition a trusty compass – a trusty companion – that’s always lovingly guiding me towards the highest, best possible, most aligned outcome. ‘Life supports me’ is a potent belief I’m more than happy to hold close.

Let it be said: following the direction of my inner guidance doesn’t always take me down the easiest path. Sometimes the benefit of heeding my ‘gut instinct’ might not be immediately obvious, but it’s without doubt the most rewarding in the long run. Listening to that whisper has never failed me.

So what is it that you absolutely love to do in life? Can you describe how you feel and the space you are in when you’re doing it?

I love when words flow out of me and onto the page with ease. (And when I read them back and ask: ‘Where did that come from?’) (the ultimate.)

I love exploring a place I’ve never been before – senses heightened, total presence, massive smiles, new memories being born, life being truly lived.

I love the challenge of a long run, a yoga class that shifts everything, an uphill hike or a creative project that requires all of me. I love what I learn about myself in the process.

I love sitting in stillness, watching the sun come up or go down with my husband by my side. We’re both never more content than when we’re near the ocean.

And, because I could go on forever, I’ll wrap by saying, I absolutely love to: serve, connect, create, express, empower and coach from the heart. I love what I do. 

If you didn’t know how what your age was, how old do you feel you are?

What an awesome question!

Wrapped up in a sublime meditation, I could be 1000 years old.

When I’m dancing around the house with my man, I’m 12. Or 21.

In the spirit of limitlessness, I’m quite possibly ageless. Or 31? 31 feels pretty good. Let’s go with that. 😉

Do you invest time working on yourself and if so what does this involve? Do you have a mentor?

Absolutely. I mentor with intuitive Belinda Davidson on soul purpose work, and separate to (but really, intimately woven into) that work, I treat every day as a new opportunity to explore, learn, peel back, let go, usher in, practice, expand. And also: to laugh, have fun and be light with life. Embracing it all rather than needing to ‘fix.’

Is feeling complete and happy for no reason something you can associate with or do you find it’s something you are still learning to embrace?

Blessed and grateful to be able to answer that one with a big ‘yes.’

So, as you take a deep breath and feel your feet on the ground, connecting even deeper with yourself…. lets now acknowledge that in this moment you are totally limitless, free and happy. In this space, what do you feel you would love to express next?      

There are a few other things that will come to life in the immediate future, particularly when it comes to the work I do in the world, but the visual I can see clearly is me writing books – a lifelong dream.

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2 Responses to “Limit Breaker: Rachel MacDonald”

  1. Nadine Nelen says:

    this is the best interview I read this year online, love it!

  2. Thanks Nadine, nice to hear you enjoyed it 😉

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