
Mind Over Health

  • Posted by Jamie|
  • on July 26th, 2013|

I love being healthy. I’m one to move, one to nourish myself. I enjoy it because I feel great and, most of all, I’m having fun during the process.

Since a young age, I have been fortunate enough to have an understanding of what a healthy lifestyle is. Early on, I found out about healthy foods and exercise. The interesting thing was that it kind of found me. I just started to notice how I felt after training. I would go for a run, or go for a ride on my bike and I noticed how my body felt energised after. I also noticed how my body started to respond in the way it looked.

The same thing happened with food. I started to observe how my body felt when I was hungry. I would notice how I would feel after eating different types of foods. I noticed how I felt sometimes after eating less and sometimes after eating more. Again, I noticed the effects: My overall energy felt great. My body felt great. Most importantly, my mind also felt clear.

The reason I am telling you this is: You will see that I never went about making myself diet. I never went about looking for a way to get fit or lose weight. I simply noticed how I felt and followed that. It was so powerful for me because I felt free from placing any judgements upon myself. I wasn’t hung up on trying to get a result or having to diet.

There was one stage, though, a few years back, when I did make it about how I looked. In doing so, I started to make my diet strict. I labelled things as good or bad. When I missed a training session or ate some chocolate, I noticed my mind kick in and beat me up. I, then, started to notice I felt trapped into what I was doing rather than going with the natural flow. If I got a result, it was only temporary until I so-called, ‘fell off the wagon’. I then would create situations for my body to put on weight or to feel not my best. My power was in the food or in the way I exercised.

These days, I see so many ways in which people place power in having to work out or eat right. We, then, blame ourselves for not doing the right amount of exercise or eating the right foods. We, now, find ourselves thinking, rather than feeling what we love.

I believe that we place too much power in exercise and foods. This creates a toxic environment within our minds. We, then, find ourselves over thinking and feeling disconnected from our feelings, our own intuition.

It is within our own feeling that we will always know what is true for us. How can we when we keep looking to the external, the doing for what will make us healthy and fit? We are actually placing our power outside of ourselves and becoming a slave to something we are trying to control, our health & wellness, which then ends up controlling you.

I’m not saying do nothing. I’m saying quite the opposite. Follow what you yourself truly feel moved to do rather than placing an agenda or expectations on your health and well being. Your body is actually designed to be healthy. Your natural state is good health and well being. We just get in the way by ignoring or trying to control our natural state.

I know that if you chose to simply let go of trying to get healthy or look a certain way, you will come to love yourself. You will open your heart and begin to be pulled towards activities and foods that are aligned with supporting you in being healthy and well. Most of all you will actually enjoy the process.

Image credit: nyul / 123RF Stock Photo


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5 Responses to “Mind Over Health”

  1. Anna V says:

    Great post, I agree 100%

    I used to always beat myself up if I didn’t go for a walk/work out like I had planned but I’m listening to my body more & if it needs rest, I’ll give it rest now.

  2. Michelle says:

    Loved this post Jamie. Resonated with me right now. I am going through the same thing giving my power away to look a certain way, lose so much weight and feel good. I love how my body feels when I eat healthy and although I love how my body looks when I eat well and exercise, I realise that I need to eat healthy and exercise to have the energy and the clarity to do things I want to do in my life.
    Your last point about chosing to simply let go of trying to get healthy or look a certain way and then I will love myself. I think that is what resonated with me more so, because when I put on weight I started to judge myself for making the wrong food choices or not liking what I saw, and just putting myself down so I would go on fad diets, push myself at the gym, only to stop or give up because the reality behind my pursuit to the gym was that I needed to let go of the perfect body because I needed to learn to love myself.

    A bit of a long response, but thank you for your blog post, it was what I needed to read RIGHT NOW!

    • Pleasure Michelle, just notice the mind and how it comes in with the thoughts. The truth is you are perfect NOW, we just get in the way by judging what is and then creating that experience.
      Enjoy loving yourself!

  3. Great blog post! Exactly what i try to teach people as a trainer. Feeling guilty about food only creates more ill health than the actual nasties in the food. Same goes for exercising from a place of ego (fear based thoughts)

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