
Money, Money, Money

  • Posted by Jamie|
  • on November 11th, 2012|

Well, I thought, today, I’d share some recent, interesting realizations I’ve had about money. It’s been the one area of my life where I’ve had massive power. So, I’ve had some fun reclaiming it.

The truth of all this is: Money, itself, is not real. It’s just another expression of energy. Realizing this left me with some interesting observations.

We live in a world where we are so accustomed to the human game that, of course, I believed money to be so real. I had come to let my external circumstances control and influence me—especially money.

So, as with everything else I have been experiencing in life, I started to see that money is just a perception I chose that creates my experience. My own human experience needs to believe that money is real. In truth, my being, my essence, my infinite self does not need, label, or see money as something tangible. Only my human thinking, my logical mind needs to see money as real.

Remember: You are not a human being having a spiritual experience. You are a spiritual being having a human experience. Money is just energy. My emotions and beliefs have shaped my relationship with money. They have determined my experience with money that I perceive to be real.

In thinking about this, I became aware of how situations with money felt. When it pushed my buttons, I dived into those feelings and brought it back to my true self having realised I had placed power outside of myself in the story. Once I brought awareness to this, I was able to hold space and not be attached to the story of money in my life and my attachments to it. In that moment, I noticed money would flow into my life to truly support that which I decided is true for me to have or experience..

I became aware that I had a choice. I could check in with how I felt about using money and then use it from a space which felt true for me. Sometimes, this would not look like the right thing to do or the logical action. But I was willing to follow what felt true for me rather than reacting to external influences. I was prepared to experience whatever my new thinking about money would bring.

Next time you go to use money, bring awareness to the act. Think about whether you are using it with a feeling of openness, appreciation, and love. Are you, instead, using it and feeling closed, lacking, and fearful? How does this relate to you and your experience?



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