
The Problem With Meditation

  • Posted by Jamie|
  • on May 9th, 2014|

Let me start off by saying, 

‘I don’t have a problem with meditation as a practice at all.’

It is such an incredible and supportive practise for those of us who use meditation for self awareness, healing, and deeper connection.

Hopefully, that stopped the steam coming out of your ears and your wanting to beat me over the head with your meditation cushion…. Now that you are, hopefully, not reacting and are open to what I am about to share, let me explain where this problem lies:

You see: Meditation is such a beautiful way for me to connect. It has supported me and helped me to peel away the layers of who I thought I was. Meditation has let me drop into a space which has me feeling more at home than ever before.

I was only fifteen when I started to meditate. Back then, meditation wasn’t so mainstream. It hadn’t been manipulated yet…

Through the practise of meditation, I truly got to experience what presence is. For me, presence was like the doorway to the truth. Without it, I wouldn’t be where I am today on my own spiritual journey.

The benefits of meditation for people are huge. More importantly, anyone can do it. Anytime, any place.

The fact that anyone can meditate is what actually stirred something within me…

I’m seeing meditation used everywhere these days. Especially online. People are creating and sharing their own meditation series. They include meditations that will, apparently, bring you improved health, abundance, happiness, and love.

This is where I see the problem.

Meditation, in its purest form, is simply a way to connect to our true selves. It is a practice in which we set aside our ideas, concepts, and thinking in order to leave our ego mind and connect with who we truly are.

For those who find stillness in their practice, the experience is bliss. What we ultimately feel in our meditation is a space of nothingness where we acknowledge and feel we actually have everything already. Welcome to being truly present.

So why are we now using meditation to bring more health, abundance, happiness, and love into our lives?

When I explored mediation, it was never about more of those things. It was simply about a deeper connection to support me in leaving behind my ego mind. It seems to me that anyone who wants to build a list on their site or make a few extra dollars these days will offer a meditation to help you work on these areas. Why? Because it’s popular right now.

I don’t have a problem with it when the meditation is done by someone who genuinely, authentically is a meditator or has a love to share the art of mediation to simply support you with connection and finding presence.

But, hang on! These days it seems everyone teaches meditations.  It appears that they are using meditation as a tool for something. There is a total agenda behind it. Which part of you is looking for the tools in life? Say hello to my little friend, the ego.

The very thing that we practice our meditation for so that we may transcend it: our ego, has actually hi-jacked it.

I didn’t need meditation to bring more of these things into my life. The very fact that people are using the practice of meditation to bring more of the things they believe they lack in life, means they are actually reinforcing that which they believe they lack.

Your ego would have you believe you are lacking something. That’s its job. Then you need to find more tools like these types of meditation, that you think will magically help you gain all the things you’re searching for in health, abundance, happiness, and love.

So, we get hungrier and keep looking for the next best meditation to sustain all this because we have sold ourselves on believing it was that tool, meditation, which provided more abundance. We ignore the truth.

Who you truly are does not search for abundance. It already has it. When you are your true self, you are already abundant in who you are being. If you don’t believe me, then next time you find yourself deep in mediation and feeling expanded, ask yourself a very simple question: What really matters now?

The same man, who asked me that question in a guided mediation called the Oneness Process, also stated this: “I only meditated to find presence, but then I realized I could bring presence into each and every moment. Therefore I found myself not meditating.” That man is Amir Zoghi.

What a profound statement! This made me realize meditation was not just about my twenty minutes each morning and night. Meditation is a way of life in each and every moment. It was more about who I was being in-between those times I meditated and bringing awareness to the things I was doing that would take me out of presence.

So why have we got sucked into this big meditation craze? Because we love putting power in things other than ourselves. This creates duality. That is where our ego thrives. The idea that we need to meditate if we are to go on a spiritual journey can be annoying to some of us that don’t actually feel like meditating.

Straight away these people may think that if you don’t meditate, well then you’re f*&$ked! No enlightenment for you, buddy.

As I stated earlier, meditation is a great way to connect. The pure practice of it is powerful when it comes from the right space. If you feel you would like to know more about mediation then get serious about it. Do it with someone that lives and breathes it. Don’t go looking for meditations that tell you they are going to fix, change, or improve your life. Take on mediation simply because you want to connect with yourself at a deeper level. Leave your own agendas at the door.

For those who don’t feel comfortable meditating, there are also many other supportive ways to find a connection.

Some people find connection in going for a walk, painting, writing, or just sitting and staring out into the world. Whatever it is for you, do that. If it’s meditation, then great. If its not, then don’t beat yourself up over it.

Just know there is no one way, practice, or specific steps towards finding yourself. It’s you that must take the journey and discover your own supportive path.

Don’t buy into the lie that we now need meditation in order to have more or be more.  Know the truth. Who you truly are is already expanded and lacks nothing. Your natural state of being is presence. Dive into that space instead…

I would love to hear how you feel about this post. Do you love your meditation practise but see meditation being used as tool as well? Feel free to comment below and also share this article with others who may be interested in the conversation.

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10 Responses to “The Problem With Meditation”

  1. Monica Kade says:

    Great Read Jimmy! x

  2. Ellena Ashford says:

    Love this! A great reminder of the space we come from when we do what we do, this can be translated into other practices too. 🙂

  3. Brendan Roby says:

    Great article Jamie, very insightful. I meditate most days and you've just made me think about the space I am coming from when I meditate and how often my ego has a part to play when I meditate, and I didn't even realise! so thanking you 🙂

  4. Awesome! I love this. Cut through the bullshit and hoopla of my product will make you happy, healthy and [insert any life goal here]. People want to fill themselves up and look to a cd or a practise in order to achieve it.

  5. Nice to hear how you are all placing your awareness on the 'space' you are coming from. Nice one! 😉

  6. Kate Toholka says:

    Such a great article. I meditate occasionally – especially when I feel stressed and egoistic – but not for specific things like health or love. I have been a bit sceptical about all those online meditations. My girlfriend did an amazing guided meditation at our workshop recently. She simply just guided us within in – no bullshit or ego comments – it moved a lady to tears. That's what guided meditations should be about – helping you go in deeper. Keep it up bud! x

  7. i think there is confusion between meditation and visualisation practices. meditation for me cultivates self awareness, i sit with myself and begin to know myself, my patterns, my dark side, my light side. all of me, i see me without judgement. sometimes i see me from a still, quiet place, and i know the real me. but i'm also a human me and i know that i can use 'visualisation' practices as a tool to create and manifest into being things that i desire as a human. after all we are creators and there is nothing wrong with using our creativity when we truly know that all that we need we already have, and all the happiness and love that we are seeking, we already have if we just look inside of ourselves.

  8. Sharooz Shafi says:

    this brilliant mate.. fantastic article

  9. Meditation has become so prevalent in todays society,i agree with you that the guided meditation has changed people's perception that they've become dependent..But is there a way to check safety in any Meditation program? because it can be used for negative reasons

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